【英文篇名】The simulation of networked control systems based on MATLAB【作者中文名】[url=]许顺孝[/url];【作者英文名】[url=]XU Shun-xiao(Marine Engineering Institute[/url]; [url=]Jimei University[/url]; [url=]Xiamen[/url]; [url=]Fujian 361021[/url]; [url=]China)[/url];【作者单位】[url=]集美大学轮机工程学院[/url];【文献出处】福州大学学报, Journal of Fuzhou University, 编辑部邮箱 2008年 S1期
期刊荣誉:中文核心期刊要目总览 ASPT来源刊 CJFD收录刊【关键词】[url=]网络控制系统[/url]; [url=]ActiveX[/url]; [url=]MATLAB[/url]; [url=]TrueTime[/url];【英文关键词】[url=]networked control system[/url]; [url=]Active X[/url]; [url=]MATLAB[/url]; [url=]TrueTime[/url];【摘要】介绍了基于TrueTime工具包和Active X技术的仿真平台实现方法.前者是根据网络MAC协议对通信延迟机理进行建模的仿真软件包;后者是针对网络控制系统通信模型仿真困难的缺点而提出,该方法通过ActiveX技术实现了对象模型和控制器通信,为网络控制系统的理论研究提供有效的检验平台.通过对两者的比较指出两种方法的优缺点.【英文摘要】This paper introduces two methods of simulation based on TrueTime and Active X,the first is a soft package which create model according to delay principle of networked MAC protocol,the latter is a new method to deal with the difficulty on the simulation of communication model.This method realizes the communication of the plant model and controller through ActiveX technology,then provides an effective test platform for theory research on NCS.Finally this paper gives the advantage and disadvantage by comparin...