2022-11-29 10:44:54 1.83MB office
youdao-dict_1.1.0-0-ubuntu_amd64-FIX.deb - 已移除没必要的依赖库 gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly.
2022-11-28 21:52:46 3.91MB Linuz 有道词典
2022-11-26 11:06:11 13KB 华容道
道奇蝰蛇Dodge Viper跑车模型3D图纸 SolidWorks2014设计.zip
Nissan R35 GT-R赛道跑车渲染图纸-BIP格式.zip
讲述了IT售前工程师需要注意的对应事项,包括售前要有逻辑能力、售前要懂需求、会分析、售前要“能说”、“会道”、售前要具备领导力,要懂项目管理、好售前要懂企业战略管理售前要懂软件开发,但不拘泥于细节、售前要时刻掌握并跟随新技术、IT 售前实战(三大类案例)等多个模块
2022-11-25 09:19:50 2.98MB 售前
数据冒险2(load-use) Clock Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4 Cycle 5 Cycle 6 Cycle 7 Cycle 8 I0: Load Plus 1 Plus 2 R-Type (采用寄存器前半写后半读,不转发) 如果第1条指令为load,且目标是写入寄存器R 则随后的第2、3条指令使用R时都会发生数据冒险 再后的第4条及之后的指令都不会发生冒险 Ifetch Reg/Dec Exec Mem Wr Ifetch Reg/Dec Exec Mem Wr Ifetch Reg/Dec Exec Mem Wr Ifetch Reg/Dec Exec Mem Wr * Similarly, although the load instruction is fetched during cycle 1, the data is not written into the register file until the end of Cycle 5. Consequently, the earliest time we can read this value from the register file is in Cycle 6. In other words, there is a 3-instruction delay between the load instruction and the instruction that can use the result of the load. This is referred to as Data Hazard in the text book. We will show in the next lecture that by clever design techniques, we can reduce this delay to ONE instruction. That is if the load instruction is issued in Cycle 1, the instruction comes right next to it (Plus 1) cannot use the result of this load but the next-next instruction (Plus 2) can. +2 = 73 min. (Y:53)
2022-11-24 17:59:59 662KB 题目
Nakamichi 中道 RX505 磁带 卡座 维修手册 英文版的,PDF格式,这个不是说明书,是维修手册,详细的原理图及印刷电路图
2022-11-24 14:27:25 10.7MB Nakamichi 中道卡座 磁带录音机
Nakamichi 中道 CR7 磁带 卡座 维修手册 英文版的,PDF格式,这个不是说明书,是维修手册,详细的原理图及印刷电路图
2022-11-24 14:27:22 10.37MB Nakamichi 中道卡座 磁带卡座