NET_Framework 这个好好好用
2022-08-17 20:54:00 23.79MB winxp必装
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2022-08-16 14:00:50 108.18MB iis .net3.5 framework3.5 .netframework3
Portfolio-manager:与Django REST Framework一起完成的API,用于管理我的项目组合
2022-08-15 20:41:30 17KB Python
channels-api:具有Django Rest Framework和Channels的RESTful Websocket API
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2022-08-15 17:36:21 1KB JavaScript Framework 可视化 框架
Data as a Service shows how organizations can leverage “data as a service” by providing real-life case studies on the various and innovative architectures and related patterns Comprehensive approach to introducing data as a service in any organization A reusable and flexible SOA based architecture framework Roadmap to introduce ‘big data as a service’ for potential clients Presents a thorough description of each component in the DaaS reference architecture so readers can implement solutions Table of Contents Part One: Overview of Fundamental Concepts Chapter 1: Introduction to DaaS Chapter 2: DaaS Strategy and Reference Architecture Chapter 3: Data Asset Management Part Two: DaaS Architecture Framework and Components Chapter 4: Enterprise Data Services Chapter 5: Enterprise and Canonical Modeling Chapter 6: Business Glossary for DaaS Chapter 7: SOA and Data Integration Chapter 8: Data Quality and Standards Part Three: DaaS Solution Blueprints Chapter 9: Reference Data Services Chapter 10: Master Data Services Chapter 11: Big Data and Analytical Services Part Four: Ensuring Organizational Success Chapter 12: DaaS Governance Framework Chapter 13: Securing the DaaS Environment Chapter 14: Taking DaaS from Concept to Reality Appendix A: Data Standards Initiatives and Resources Appendix B: Data Privacy & Security Regulations Appendix C: Terms and Acronyms Appendix D: Bibliography
2022-08-15 11:40:24 9.9MB Enterprise Data Service
Win10系统.net framework 3.5安装
2022-08-10 22:00:54 231.63MB win10
Xposed framework SDK
2022-08-04 18:06:25 7.28MB Xposed framework SDK
借助 VR 交互框架,轻松创建属于自己的可交互对象并迅速上手。 该框架经过专门设计,以 Oculus Quest 为基准,但通过 Unity 的 XRInput 系统,可完美适用于 Rift、HTC Vive 和 Windows WMR 头戴设备。某些头戴设备可能与 Unity XR 插件系统不兼容,且可能需要 SteamSDK 注册输入。如不确定是否支持特定,对象的物理抓取和投掷,按钮、旋钮、杠杆、滑块、门、操纵杆及其他物理激活的对象,平滑运动和传送,支持自定义手势,双手武器,采用 Unity CharacterController 的自定义 PlayerController (可与你自己的互换),爬山,基于世界的自定义 UI 系统,捕捉区域 - 超级模块化:制作设备插件、库存系统等等, 弓箭物理(箭可拾取和重射),枪支处理/物理。可从手枪中插入和取出弹夹、向后拉滑块等等,带有霰弹猎枪和步枪示例的双手武器,一个基本的反向动力学手臂示例,手势追踪演示 - 用手指抓取对象,在空气中徒手绘制,具有可破坏对象的简单伤害系统
2022-08-04 16:05:22 139.08MB unity3d VRInteractionF VR游戏
Android11.0 系统分析 Android11.0 启动分析 Android11.0 最新Framework解析 Android11.0 Binder通信原理
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