直接安装对应版本的.Bpl文件,然后加入library path即可,版本已XX请低调使用,仅供学习交流,商业用途请购买正版。 严重声明:不喜勿下,嫌东嫌西的请去购买正版或者去你喜欢的地方下载 在Delphi中读取Excel文件,使用CreateOleObject的方式挺讨厌的,一直搞不定,输出了文件之后,总会在系统中打开一个Excel,就算Quit也不行,一个程序中使用的多了,还不定搞出什么事情来。狠狠心找个其它的东西来代替,于是发现了XlsReadWriteII。 使用之后发现这个东西真不错,简单好用。不管是读还是写均轻松搞定。
2021-08-05 23:16:37 58.18MB XLS ReadWriteII Delphi XE5
完美支持delphi xe 10.2.2破解,delphi xe 10.2.2破解,支持的最新版本:delphicbuilder10_2_2_2004.iso
2021-08-05 14:10:59 699KB Delphi C++ Builder 10.2.2
2021-08-02 17:16:28 991KB SPComm XE带DEMO
仅限于10.3破解程序。 请看步骤操作。 本人亲测可用。 感谢做工具的大神
2021-08-02 00:06:43 914KB xe 10.3破解 破解工具 delphi
Abakus VCL is a set of professional Delphi / C++Builder realtime components for virtual instrumentation. - Meters, Bars (Gauge), with linear or log(10) scaling - Digital indicators (time, value) - Tank displays - Operating Point display - Trend/recorder - Dial (knob), Sliders - buttons, switches, LED indicators - DB-Aware components - .....
2021-07-30 09:26:04 11.59MB Abakus
修改微调后,完美支持DELPHI 10.4. 在Delphi中读取Excel文件,使用CreateOleObject的方式挺讨厌的,一直搞不定,输出了文件之后,总会在系统中打开一个Excel,就算Quit也不行,一个程序中使用的多了,还不定搞出什么事情来。狠狠心找个其它的东西来代替,于是发现了XlsReadWriteII。
2021-07-26 15:01:48 9.37MB XLSReadWrite
delphi 10 的串口控件,支持10,XE10, XE8,XE7,XE6,XE5等版本。已经在10,XE10,XE8,XE7,XE6,XE5上都测试通过。
2021-07-20 13:56:14 27KB Delphi 10 XE
TMS FlexCel VCL 是 Delphi 处理 Excel 文件 和 PDF 报表 的一组组件。 使用此集合的组件,程序员将能够对 Excel 文件执行任何类型的操作。含全部源码。
2021-07-17 15:13:03 39.36MB Delphi Flexcel Rio
需要先安装Patch1。 Patch 2 for RAD Studio 10.4 now available This patch addresses a number of issues in RAD Studio 10.4, pertaining to Delphi Compiler, the RAD Studio IDE in general and the new LSP-based Code Insight in particular, plus C++ Builder Android exceptions and some debugger issues. The installation of this patch requires a prior installation of Patch #1 (separately available on GetIt and in the download portal). Installing this patch is recommended for all RAD Studio 10.4 customers. Note that this patch is fairly large to download (around 190 MB). The patch includes detailed installation instructions as part of the Readme. Please read the steps carefully (or the corresponding steps in this blog post), as the GetIt download does not install the patch automatically. You must follow the instructions in order to install. Just using GetIt is not enough. List of Customer Reported Issues Addressed in 10.4 Patch 2 RAD Studio 10.4 Patch #2 addresses the following issues reported by customer on Embarcadero Quality Portal (https://quality.embarcadero.com): RSP-29628 VCL Grids bug RSP-29560 [REGRESSION] Misalignment in TStringGrid, StretchDraw method in OnDrawCell RSP-29412 Compiler generates incorrect code for if-then RSP-29402 Delphi 10.4 TStringGrid.OnDrawCell bug RSP-29374 Wrong rect coords in TStringGridDrawCell, so image are drawn at wrong position RSP-29347 [DelphiLSP] IDE Crashes when view form as text is selected and running LSP server RSP-29310 Internal error L891 when linking because of complex types based on records with class var RSP-29299 CODEGEN bug in managed fields initialization, associated with new management operators. RSP-29271 [DelphiLSP] Code Insight adds unneeded () when changing procedures/functions RSP-29256 Compiler generates wrong code for template function RSP-29227 Incorrect property value obtained from the record RSP-29226 Access violation with working code under 10.2 RSP-29218 compiling static libr
2021-07-16 15:12:34 181.62MB delphi c++builder 10.4 RadStudio
Intel最新版本的并行开发工具包,包含并行C++编译器icc和并行Fortran编译器ifort,以及相关的Intel并行函数库。 网盘目录下有三个文件: Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition 2020 x64.rar(Windows版) Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition 2020 Linux.zip(Linux版) Intel Parallel Studio XE All Licenses.zip(License文件)
2021-07-16 02:45:52 120B icc ifort Parallel Studio