用短信技术开发拼车网站---最短路径算法 拼车网站 阅读报告最终报告 amay.pdf
2021-07-05 09:04:49 5.98MB Java
书名: Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology 出版社: Prentice Hall/Pearson 作者: [美]Michael Quirk,Julian Serda
2021-07-01 09:55:49 15.76MB 半导体 制造 英文版
Chapter 1 Computer Abstractions and Technology.pdf
2021-06-29 22:00:23 4.35MB t
MIT Technology Review - 07.2021
2021-06-25 12:02:02 20.2MB MITTechnology
LC Technology PHOTORECOVERY 2020 是一款安全可靠的专业级图片数据恢复软件,拥有简洁大方的用户界面和贴心的向导指示,能帮助用户以只读的方式从记忆棒、SM卡、CF卡、微型硬盘、SD/ XD卡、MMC卡以及光盘驱动器闪存盘中的媒体和多媒体或移动设恢复因误删除、格式化等操作丢失的图片、文档以及包括RAW文件和高清视频在内的多媒体文件,此外LC Technology PHOTORECOVERY还可以创建一个用于归档的媒体卡备份映像,拥有非常理想的照片恢复效果,被广大用户予以照片恢复大师的美誉,如果大家需要一款照片恢复软件,威航软件园提供照片数据恢复大师下载。
LC Technology VIDEORECOVERY 2020 是来自国外知名数据恢复软件公司LC Technology的一款超强多媒体数据恢复软件,拥有直观易用的用户界面,旨在于帮助大家以只读的方式从各种相机中使用的诸如记忆棒、SM卡、CF卡、微型硬盘、SD/ XD卡、MMC卡、光盘驱动器闪存盘中的媒体以及多媒体或移动设备中恢复丢失的图片以及音视频文件(RAW文件也支持),即便已经已被格式化也没问题,不过威航软件园这里提醒大家的是一些相机和应用擦拭在删除/格式的图像和无法恢复,不会驱动器进行任何写入操作,VIDEORECOVERY 2020支持所有使用FAT12、FAT16、FAT32文件系统,如果大家在找一款短小精悍的数据恢复软件的话,试试威航软件园分享的LC Technology公司的VIDEORECOVERY 2020。
ADI 隔离器件手册
2021-06-23 17:05:01 9.08MB ADI
PCI Express Technology 3.0 by Mike Jackson, Ravi Budruk, Joseph Winkles, Don Anderson (z-lib.org)
2021-06-23 12:00:49 50.88MB PCIe
The SATA (Serial ATA) interface is intended to expand and eventually replace the parallel ATA interface that has been the standard connection for hard drives and CD-ROM/DVD drives in Personal Computers for nearly twenty years. SATA, a high-speed serial version of ATA, is designed to maintain compatibility with software written for the standard ATA implementation, thus easing the transition to SATA. New advances in SATA provide new capabilities such as Native Command Queuing that improve overall drive performance and greater reliability. In addition, the latest version of SATA (called SATA II) adds new features such as higher transfer rates, Port Selectors, Port Multipliers, and enclosure services, making it easier to implement low cost, high capacity, storage subsystems for server implementations. This book provides essential information for Systems Engineers, System Validation Engineers, Hardware Designers, and Software Developers. o Serial ATA Storage Technology provides ATA background information necessary to understand the Serial ATA implementation. This book provides detailed information regarding the serial protocol, commands, and electrical interface. A tutorial approach is taken to facilitate thorough understanding, using numerous illustrations, tables and examples. The text is also designed to provide easy to access valuable reference information
2021-06-22 15:46:39 16.51MB sata
intel VT-d 技术官方文档。I/O虚拟化,有需要的同学可以下载下来学习。
2021-06-21 16:16:05 1.79MB Vt-d I/O虚拟化 intel