2021-11-10 16:44:11 40.94MB 图像融合
2021-11-10 12:41:34 2.3MB 加速度传感器 G-sensor
图腾柱PFC 电流检测,
2021-11-09 18:05:28 1.49MB 电流传感器
2021-11-08 16:44:41 1.29MB 感知器 算法 matlab sensor
spark_HC-SR04_ultrasonic_sensor Dealextreme 的 HC-SR04_ultrasonic_sensor 的文件、代码和参考 在这里购买: : 我将它用于 Spark Core 项目。 您可以使用 spark-cli 编译项目: : 接线: Spark pin GND --> HC-SR04 GND Spark pin VIN --> HC-SR04 VCC !! Spark VIN NOT Spark 3V3 !! Spark D2 --> HC-SR04 TRIG Spark D4 --> HC-SR04 ECHO Also: Spark pin D5 --> Green Led anode (+), Green Led Cathode (-) --> Spark GND Spark pin D6 --> R
2021-11-07 18:38:56 3KB
基于matlab的IMU计算源码 带薪年假、绩效奖金、股票期权、发展空间大 扁平管理 简历请发送: 注明内推 多源信息融合算法工程师 职位类别: 研发类 工作城市: 深圳市 工作职责 负责研发改进以及优化多源融合算法,以支持不同产品需求; 负责开发性能评估系统以及自动化测试系统; 负责研发传感器校准算法、故障诊断与隔离算法及冗余系统仲裁算法; 负责与嵌入式软件工程师协作,针对产品平台进行算法优化。 任职要求 硕士及以上学历; 熟悉线性估计、数值计算及凸优化理论; 深入了解刚体运动学与动力学,理解旋转运动参数化形式, 以及处理旋转带来的系统非线性特性的方法; 理解IMU/磁力计/GNSS/视觉传感器/雷达/UWB/气压计的工作原理,具有相关标定算法实现经验; 具备相关领域经验,包括但不限于: 1)基于嵌入式系统的c/c++算法实现及优化的经验; 2)反馈信号故障容错设计与鲁棒性设计经验; 3)余度系统设计、信号完整性检测、故障诊断与隔离系统设计经验; 4)以INS为中心的多源传感器融合处理经验; 5)数据精密后处理与精度性能评估经验; 6)网络信息融合与管理算法研究经验; 7)状态观测器
2021-11-05 19:14:56 6.61MB 系统开源
模拟传感器 测试传感器数据
2021-11-05 09:08:52 1KB JavaScript
Sensor fusion and tracking users guide.pdf
2021-11-04 23:57:29 16.26MB 多传感器融合MATLAB资料
Explore how to develop and implement wireless server networks (WSN) using Contiki-NG, branded as the operating system for the IoT. The book explains Contiki-NG’s advantages in sensing, communication, and energy optimization and enables you to begin solving problems in automation with WSN. Practical Contiki-NG is a guide to getting started with Contiki-NG programming featuring projects that demonstrate a variety of applications. This book takes a practical and content-driven approach to the latest technologies, including Raspberry Pi, IoT and cloud servers. Readers will go through step-by-step guides and sample scenarios such as sensing, actuating, connectivity, building middleware, and utilizing IoT and cloud-based technologies. If you’re looking to go from zero to hero in using Contiki-NG to build Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) applications then this is the book for you. What You’ll Learn Prepare and set up Contiki-NG development Review the basics of the Contiki-NG platform to build Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) Develop your own Contiki-NG program Perform sensing and actuating on the Contiki-NG platform Implement a middleware for Contiki-NG motes Build a simple IoT program using the Contiki-NG environment Who This Book Is For Developers, students, researchers and anyone who has an interest in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN).
2021-11-04 10:59:05 11.32MB Contiki-NG 物联网 传感器
IMX230 is a diagonal 5.867 (Type1/2.4) 21Mega-pixel CMOS active pixel type stacked image sensor with a square pixel array. It adopts Exmor-RSTM technology to achieve high speed image capturing by column parallel ADC circuits and high sensitivity and low noise image
2021-11-03 11:56:44 4.64MB imx230 cmos sensor