libiconv 1.14版本,里边有.so .a 的Android.mk文件,可以一根据自己的需要来使用,一个上午的工作量。
2021-07-14 10:26:27 8.81MB libiconv andriod ndk
由于文件太大 , 我弄了一个云盘链接。 包括 NDK, JDK, SDK ANT 等工具。 每次都下载实在麻烦
2021-07-10 18:35:01 31B 开发环境
Android NDK Beginner's Guide (英文PDF) 关于安卓NDK开发的资源网上并不算丰富,估计大多数人还是喜欢在Java里面解决所有问题。但是NDK对于跨平台以及构建高性能应用非常重要(特别是OpenGL游戏)。这本书从浅入深地涵盖了NDK开发的方方面面,包括JNI的使用、OpenGL ES和OpenSL ES等,适合那些有一定Android开发基础,并想学习NDK开发的朋友们。 Portability among hardware and adaptability to the constrained resources of mobile devices: this is the real essence of the mobile challenge from a technical perspective. With Android, ones has to deal with multiple screen resolutions, various CPU and GPU speed or capabilities, memory limitations, and so on, which are not topics specific to this Linux-based system, (that is, Android) but can particularly be incommoding. To ease portability, Google engineers packaged a virtual machine with a complete framework (the Android SDK) to run programs written in one of the most spread programming language nowadays: Java. Java, augmented with the Android framework, is really powerful. But first, Java is specific to Android. Apple's products are written for example in Objective C and can be combined with C and C++. And second, a Java virtual machine does not always give you enough capability to exploit the full power of mobile devices, even with just-in-time compilation enabled. Resources are limited on these devices and have to be carefully exploited to offer the best experience. This is where the Android Native Development Kit comes into place.
2021-07-07 10:30:27 5.23MB Android NDK
ffmpeg MediaCodec NDK SurfaceTexture 因为Demo中大部分是工程的代码,不便上传。只提供核心代码。
2021-07-05 23:04:33 11KB 编解码
2021-07-04 14:00:37 261KB android ndk java 安卓
你好相机2 Hello Camera2是播放预览的Android Camera2示例。 它通过NDK camera2 API控制相机设备,该设备成为Android N中的之一。 先决条件 带有 (> = r12)捆绑包的Android Studio 2.1+。 屏幕截图 触摸屏幕时,会切换一个小的额外视图。 已知错误 更改了其他表面视图后,App崩溃了。 (例如,将人像切换为横向模式时,反之亦然)
2021-06-29 15:19:18 535KB android ndk camera2 C++
Unity2019或2020安卓打包时所需要的SDK的Tools 26.1.1版本和NDK 19.0.5232133版本压缩包。
2021-06-26 23:18:04 598.73MB unity3d ndk android
2021-06-22 13:05:36 14.29MB 创龙C6678
Unity 2020 有时候下载的安卓组件的时候会丢失NDK组件 将这个压缩包放到NDK路径里就行了例如: 2020.3.2f1c1 是我的Unity版本号,你们放到对应的版本里就行了 E:\Unity\2020.3.2f1c1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\NDK
2021-06-22 09:03:02 356.36MB UnityNDK
2021-06-18 20:37:39 11KB android ndk tombstone