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2022-04-06 10:25:22 40.06MB 宋体 微软雅黑 Courier New
2022-04-06 02:00:55 14.41MB 拼多多类目 拼多多类目数据库
2022-04-06 01:06:05 43.76MB
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2022-04-03 15:57:06 1.18MB 文档搜索
2022-03-31 17:09:07 710B F_Bin2Hex_New
2022-03-30 04:53:05 30KB 数据集
Radar signals are generally characterised by repetitive patterns in time. An ESM receiver must intercept and identify several interleaved radar signals. Time-of-arrival (TOA) deinterleaving is employed in ESM processing to identify and extract the pulses of each radar signal. This task is extremely processor intensive and new techniques are required to operate on complex signals in high pulse densities. A new algorithm employing novel techniques is presented for fast, accurate deinterleaving of several repetitive signals. A cumulative TOA difference histogram gives an indication of probable pulse repetition intervals (PRIs) with a minimum number of computations. Validation and identification is given by searching for a sequence of these pulse intervals. The technique presented is less sensitive to interfering pulses and more robust to missed pulses than conventional published techniques. Weighting is used to enhance detection of sequences and a three-pulse priming sequence dramatically reduces unsuccessful searches. By employing a learning process, the efficiency is increased still further. The application of this algorithm to agile PRI signals is shown.
2022-03-28 21:35:02 447KB New techniques; cdif; deinterleaving
PLUTO是纽约市建筑物位置和特征的主要记录。它由纽约市城市规划局大约每季度到每半年发布一次,并且是纽约市最重要的公民分析数据集之一。PLUTO包含有关建筑物高度,平方英尺,位置,类型,地标状态,单元数,所有者,施工年份以及其他相关领域的信息。 BK.csv BX.csv MN.csv PLUTODD16v2.pdf Plutolay16v2.pdf PlutoReadme16v2.pdf QN.csv SI.csv
2022-03-28 15:37:39 46.72MB 数据集
a new geometric notation for open and closed-loop robots
2022-03-21 22:19:51 469KB 机器人建模