Draft, Second edition, in progress. Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto
2022-07-14 18:34:50 8.76MB 强化学习 Sutton
中文翻译Introduction to Linear Algebra, 5th Edition 1.1节 线性组合在这个学科中非常重要!有时我们想要一个特定的组合,具体选择 c = 2 和 d = 1 来产 生 cv + dw = (4, 5)。其它时候我们想要 v 与 u 的所有组合(来自所有的 c 与 d)。 向量 cv 沿一条直线放置。当 w 不在那条直线上时,组合 cv + dw 充满整个二维平面。从四维空 间中的 4 个向量 u, v, w, z 开始,它们的组合 cu + dv + ew + fz 可能充满整个空间——但并不总是 这样。向量和它们的组合可能位于一个平面上或一条直线上。 第 1 章解释了这些中心思想,一切都建立在这些思想上。我们从能够合理绘制的二维向量与三维 向量开始。然后我们移入更高的维度。线性代数真正令人印象深刻的特点是如何流畅地将这一步引入 n 维空间。即使不可能画出十维的向量,你脑海中的画面也会保持是正确的。 这是本书将要通往的地方(进入 n 维空间)。第一步是 1.1 节和 1.2 节的运算。然后是在 1.3 节概 述了 3 个基本思想。
2022-07-14 16:08:55 859KB 线性代数 数学
人工智能(AI)系统可以被定义为像人类一样理性思考和行动的系统(Bellman, 1978; Kurzweil et al., 1990; Schalkoff, 1991; Rich and Knight, 1992; Winston, 1992; Haugeland, 1997; Russell and Norvig, 2005)。虽然这个词在1956年著名的达特茅斯会议上被正式创造出来(McCarthy et al., 2006; Woo, 2014),追溯到亚里士多德和柏拉图的哲学家都在考虑制定法则来管理大脑的理性部分。创造智能系统的想法激发了神话的灵感,比如塔洛斯的故事,神创造了一个巨大的青铜机器人,它携带着神秘的生命来源,守护着克里特岛(Shashkevich, 2019)。从那时起,心理学家、行为学家、认知科学家、语言学家和计算机科学家一直支持各种理解智能和开发人工智能系统的方法。 对当前机器学习系统的一个关键批评是,它们往往是数据饥渴的(Marcus, 2018;福特,2018)。以GPT-3模型(Brown et al., 2020)为例,这是一个大规模的语言模型,使
2022-07-13 09:11:46 6.52MB 机器学习 自然语言处理 人工智能
云计算英文版课件:Chapter 0 Introduction.pdf
2022-07-13 09:10:47 485KB 云计算
In memory of my parents, Shri Saryoo Prasad Agrawal and Shrimati Chandrakanta Bai Agrawal, who raised me affectionately and made me learn how to excel from a small unknown village. The third edition is inspired by love and affection from my grand-children Aneesh, Neeraj, Rajeev, Akhil and Jaya. Dharma Prakash Agrawal
2022-07-12 21:47:25 18.28MB Wireless
CS285 Deep Reinforcement Learning 2021 Lecture Slides UCL的深度强化学习课程的PPT
2022-07-11 09:12:53 4.3MB 深度强化学习
中文翻译Introduction to Linear Algebra, 5th Edition 8.3节 1 使用新输入基 Bin 与新输出基 Bout,每个矩阵 A 变成 B −1 out ABin。 2 Bin = Bout =“A 的广义特征向量”得出若尔当型 J = B−1AB。 3 傅里叶矩阵 F = Bin = Bout 将每个循环矩阵对角化(利用 FFT)。 4 正弦与余弦,勒让德与切比雪夫多项式:这些都是函数空间很好的基。 这是本书重要的一节。我担心大多数读者会跳过他——或读不到这里。前几章通过解释基底的概念做 了铺垫。第 6 章介绍了特征向量 x 以及第 7 章找出了奇异向量 v 与 u。这两个是赢家,但其它许多选 择是很有价值的。 首先是 8.2 节的纯代数,然后是优良基。输入基向量将是 Bin 的列。输出基向量将是 Bout 的列。 Bin 和 Bout 总是可逆的——基向量均无关! 纯代数 若 A 是变换 T 在标准基下的矩阵,则 B−1 out ABin是在新基下的矩阵。 (1) 标准基向量为单位矩阵的列:Bin = In×n 与 Bout = Im×m。现在
2022-07-10 16:07:29 227KB 线性代数 数学
南京大学 静态软件分析(static program analyzes)-- introduction 学习笔记.doc
2022-07-09 19:04:32 1.47MB 技术资料
通过模型理论介绍、建模步骤流程图、结合权威文献模型选择等实现,零计量、Stata基础,照样做好计量实证分析。还赠送Eviews操作高清视频哟! Introduction to Logic Circuits & Logic Design with VHDL By 作者: Brock J. LaMeres ISBN-10 书号: 3319341944 ISBN-13 书号: 9783319341941 Edition 版本: 1st ed. 2017 Release Finelybook 出版日期: 2016-09-16 pages 页数: (475 ) $99.99 This textbook introduces readers to the fundamental hardware used in modern computers. The only pre-requisite is algebra, so it can be taken by college freshman or sophomore students or even used in Advanced Placement courses in high school. This book presents both the classical approach to digital system design (i.e., pen and paper) in addition to the modern hardware description language (HDL) design approach (computer-based). This textbook enables readers to design digital systems using the modern HDL approach while ensuring they have a solid foundation of knowledge of the underlying hardware and theory of their designs. This book is designed to match the way the material is actually taught in the classroom. Topics are presented in a manner which builds foundational knowledge before moving onto advanced topics. The author has designed the content with learning goals and assessment at its core. Each section addresses a specific learning outcome that the learner should be able to “do” after its completion. The concept checks and exercise problems provide a rich set of assessment tools to measure learner performance on each outcome.
2022-07-06 22:11:04 47.87MB design
This book explains and helps readers to develop geometric intuition as it relates to differential forms. It includes over 250 figures to aid understanding and enable readers to visualize the concepts being discussed. The author gradually builds up to the basic ideas and concepts so that definitions, when made, do not appear out of nowhere, and both the importance and role that theorems play is evident as or before they are presented. With a clear writing style and easy-to- understand motivations for each topic, this book is primarily aimed at second- or third-year undergraduate math and physics students with a basic knowledge of vector calculus and linear algebra.
2022-07-06 20:54:25 5.01MB 数学基础 英文原版电子书