NumPy Cookbook(2nd) 英文无水印pdf 第2版 pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2021-11-11 10:57:48 5.55MB NumPy Cookbook
《LLVM Cookbook》以任务驱动的方式,带领读者编写基于LLVM 的编译器前端、优化器、后端。通过丰富的实例,读者能够从中理解LLVM 的架构,以及如何使用LLVM 来编写自己的编译器。 相比于传统的介绍编译技术的书籍,此书更偏向于实战,因此适合熟悉编译但对LLVM 比较陌生的人员,也适合正在学习编译技术并且在寻找实战机会的人员。
2021-11-08 19:54:36 2.83MB LLVM 编译器 解释器
包含Redis中文参考手册,Redis中文入门手册,Redis Cookbook
2021-11-08 18:17:29 2.2MB Redis参考 Redis Redis资料 Cookbook
Book Description Publication Date: October 26, 2010 Written in the cookbook style, this book offers learning and techniques through recipes. It contains step-by-step instructions for administrators and developers to manage databases on PostgreSQL. The book is designed in such a way that you can read it chapter by chapter or refer to recipes in no particular order. This book is for Sysadmins, Database Administrators, Architects, Developers, and anyone with an interest in planning for or running live production databases. This book is most suited to those who have some technical experience. Editorial Reviews About the Author Simon Riggs Simon Riggs is one of the few Major Developers and Committers on the PostgreSQL database project, and is also CTO of 2ndQuadrant, providing 24x7 support and services to PostgreSQL users worldwide. Simon has worked with enterprise-class database applications for more than 20 years, with prior certifications on Oracle, Teradata and DB2. Simon is responsible for much of the database recovery and replication code in PostgreSQL, and designed or wrote many of the latest performance enhancements. He uses his operational experience to contribute to many aspects of both internal design and usability. Hannu Krosing Hannu Krosing is Principal Consultant at 2ndQuadrant and a Technical Advisor at Ambient Sound Investments. As the original database architect at Skype Technologies, Hannu was responsible for designing the Skytools suite of replication and scalability technologies. Hannu has more than 12 years experience working with, and contributing to, the PostgreSQL project. Simon Riggs Simon Riggs is one of the few Major Developers and Committers on the PostgreSQL database project, and is also CTO of 2ndQuadrant, providing 24x7 support and services to PostgreSQL users worldwide. Simon has worked with enterprise-class database applications for more than 20 years, with prior certifications on Oracle, Teradata and DB2. Simon is responsible for
2021-11-08 00:48:07 2.56MB PostgreSQL
2021-11-06 19:50:22 11.26MB C++
If you were stranded on a desert island with only your laptop (and presumably a large solar panel), what software would you want to have with you? For me the answer definitely includes the latest version of Wolfram Mathematica. Whether you are a scientist, engineer, or mathematician, a Wall Street quant, a statistician or programmer, or even an artist or musician, you will be a better one if you have this tool at your disposal. Of course, having a tool and knowing how to use it well are quite different things. That is why I wrote the Mathematica Cookbook.
2021-11-06 17:43:43 19.04MB mathematica
这是除了Camel In Action之外, 又一本介绍Camel的好书. 书中实例非常详尽, 可作为案头书
2021-11-05 08:46:41 3.27MB camel EAI
Python深度学习食谱 这是发布的的代码库。 它包含从头到尾完成本书所必需的所有支持项目文件。 关于这本书 深度学习正在彻底改变各种行业。 在许多应用中,深度学习已被证明可以做出更快,更准确的预测,从而胜过人类。 本书提供了自上而下和自下而上的方法,以演示针对不同领域的现实问题的深度学习解决方案。 这些应用程序包括计算机视觉,自然语言处理,时间序列和机器人技术。 Python深度学习食谱提供了针对所提出问题的技术解决方案,以及对解决方案的详细说明。 此外,提供了有关使用诸如TensorFlow,PyTorch,Keras和CNTK的流行框架之一实施建议的解决方案的利弊的讨论。 这本书包括与神经网络的基本概念有关的食谱。 所有技术以及经典网络拓扑。 本书的主要目的是为Python程序员提供详细的配方列表,以将深度学习应用于常见和不常见的场景。 说明和导航 所有代码都组织在文件夹中。 每个
2021-11-04 16:23:44 5.71MB JupyterNotebook
coverage-cookbook-complete-verification-academy Candence Academy官方coverage文档
2021-11-04 09:30:54 2.04MB systemverilo function cov code
最新Python3中文参考,带目录,查阅更方便。人生苦短,我用 Python! 译者一直坚持使用 Python 3,因为它代表了 Python 的未来。虽然向后兼容是它的硬伤,但是这个局面迟早会改变的, 而且 Python 3 的未来需要每个人的帮助和支持。 目前市面上的教程书籍,网上的手册大部分基本都是 2.x 系列的,专门基于 3.x 系列的书籍少的可怜。 最近看到一本《Python Cookbook》3rd Edition,完全基于 Python 3,写的也很不错。 为了 Python 3 的普及,我也不自量力,想做点什么事情。于是乎,就有了翻译这本书的冲动了! 这不是一项轻松的工作,却是一件值得做的工作:不仅方便了别人,而且对自己翻译能力也是一种锻炼和提升。
2021-11-04 09:27:37 5.68MB Python cookbook 中文 参考