近似1D-DCT体系结构 介绍: 这是1-D 8点DCT架构的Verilog实现。 它实现了一个近似设计,整个计算仅使用12个加法器,而没有乘法器。 流水线由8个加法器块组成,它们计算流水线中连续操作数的不同位位置。 由于产生纹波进位而引起的延迟被用于执行其他独立任务,以提高性能。 要求: Xilinx Vivado设计套件(Vivado 2019.1)用于HDL合成和分析。 安装指南在。 在Vivado Simulator上可以看到仿真波形,用户需要将输入文本文件提供给测试台。 定制输入: Testbench输入生成: 输入序列作为文本文件提供。 运行python脚本gen_in.py生成输入的.txt文件。 该模块将一个csv文件作为输入,其元素是元素的8位2的补码二进制表示形式(每行8个)。 在examples文件夹中签出给定的输入文件,以获取更多说明。 注意:此特定模式指导将
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The System Architecture guide accompanies the QNX Neutrino RTOS and is intended for both application developers and end-users. This guide describes the philosophy of QNX Neutrino and the architecture used to robustly implement the OS. It covers message-passing services, followed by the details of the microkernel, the process manager, resource managers, and other aspects of the OS.
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InfiniBand Network Architecture is a comprehensive guide to InfiniBand technology. It describes all hardware and software operational aspects of InfiniBand networking. Using the same building-block approach found in all of the books in the PC System Architecture Series, this book details important concepts relating to the design and implementation of data networks using this emerging standard. A broad overview of the InfiniBand specification is provided, as well as detailed descriptions of all the architecture's operational characteristics.
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研究关于未来互联网的架构和设计的相关问题。 Architecture and Design for the Future Internet addresses the Networks of the Future and the Future Internet, focusing on networks aspects, offering both technical and non-technical perspectives. It presents the main findings of 4WARD (Architecture and Design for the Future Internet), a European Integrated Project within Framework Programme 7, which addressed this area from an innovative approach. Today’s network architectures are stifling innovation, restricting it mostly to the application level, while the need for structural change is increasingly evident. The absence of adequate facilities to design, optimise and interoperate new networks currently forces a convergence to an architecture that is suboptimal for many applications and that cannot support innovations within itself, the Internet. 4WARD overcomes this impasse through a set of radical architectural approaches, built on a strong mobile and wireless background. The main topics addressed by the book are: the improved ability to design inter-operable and complementary families of network architectures; the enabled co-existence of multiple networks on common platforms through carrier-grade virtualisation for networking resources; the enhanced utility of networks by making them self-managing; the increased robustness and efficiency of networks by leveraging diversity; and the improved application support by a new information-centric paradigm in place of the old host-centric approach. These solutions embrace the full range of technologies, from fibre backbones to wireless and sensor networks.
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Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture Volume 1 - A System of Patterns Volume 2 - Patterns for Concurrent and Networked Objects Volume 3 - Patterns for Resource Management Volume 4 - May.2007 Volume 5 - On Patterns and Pattern Languages
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