2022-08-29 09:04:57 1.03MB power+Designer
TMC5160步进电机驱动板ALTIUM硬件原理图+PCB+STM32单片机TMC5160驱动源代码,硬件采用2层板设计,大小为53*56 mm,包括完整的原理图PCB及STM32软件驱动代码。 //TMC5160 SET sendData(0xEC,0x000100C3); //PAGE43:CHOPCONF: TOFF=3, HSTRT=4, HEND=1, TBL=2, CHM=0 (spreadcycle) sendData(0x90,0x00061F0A); //PAGE33:IHOLD_IRUN: IHOLD=10, IRUN=31 (max.current), IHOLDDELAY=6 sendData(0x91,0x0000000A); //PAGE33:TPOWERDOWN=10:电机静止到电流减小之间的延时 sendData(0x80,0x00000004); //PAGE27:EN_PWM_MODE=1 sendData(0x93,0x000001F4); //PAGE33:TPWM_THRS=500,对应切换速
pyqt5对用qt designer设计的窗体实现弹出子窗口,里面包含3个文件mainWindow.py,childWindow.py,action.py,经测试可以跑通
2022-08-27 11:32:54 4KB pyqt5
Movement Pack.unitypackage 需要先安装 Behavior Designer - Behavior Trees for Everyone.unitypackage 版本1.5.7
2022-08-26 19:06:10 303KB U3D 插件 行为树
Inspire Designer is an all-in-one software application for the creation and production of variable-data communications. Based on an operating-system-independent architecture, Inspire Designer offers ease-of-use combined with comprehensive design, data handling and production functionality. Features Single application for design, composition and production. Multiple data formats (input and output) for integrity with many data storage systems. Data integration with document composition for pe
2022-08-24 19:04:18 590.39MB 数据处理
Inspire Designer is an all-in-one software application for the creation and production of variable-data communications in many formats. Inspire Designer offers: •Single application for design, composition and production. •Multiple data formats (input and output) for integrity with many data storage systems. •Data integration with document composition for personalized communication. •Multiple electronic and print output formats to interact with customers via preferred channels. •Inst
2022-08-24 19:04:17 772.63MB 数据处理
Altium Designer 13从入门到精通 [胡文华 编著] 2013年版
2022-08-20 19:31:34 121.37MB pcb
在中国工业和教育界,Altium Designer是无可争议的标准设计平台
2022-08-20 19:26:52 145.11MB Altium Desig
2022-08-20 19:13:58 2.02MB AD Altium designer 使用说明