终极低模图形资源包。 非常适合原型/任何低多边形游戏的制作。 —内容— - 超过 1000 个带有碰撞器的预制件 - 材质和 Atlas 纹理工作流程 - 许多启发场景 —模型类型— - 动物 - 启示录 - 中世纪 - 海滩 - 船 - 建筑物 - 农场 - 食物 - 幻想 - 家具 - 枪 - 日本 - 自然 - 人 - 道具 - 地形 - 工具 - 车辆 - 狂野西部
2021-11-02 19:08:58 121B unity lowpoly
mindmaster 6.5.4 mac版本,可以直接免费使用,本人已经测试
2021-11-02 16:17:00 157.82MB mindmaster
GPU Instancer is an out of the box solution to display extreme numbers of objects on screen with high performance. With a few mouse clicks, you can instance your prefabs, Unity Terrain details and trees. GPU Instancer provides user friendly tools to allow everyone to use Indirect GPU Instancing without having to go through the deep learning curve of Compute Shaders and GPU infrastructure. Also, an API with extensive documentation is provided to manage runtime changes. ——————————— FEATURES ——————————— – Out of the box solution for complex GPU Instancing. – VR compatible. Works with both single pass and multi pass rendering modes. – Mobile compatible. Works with both iOS and Android. – Easy to use interface. – Tens of thousands of objects rendered lightning fast in a single draw call. – GPU frustum culling. – GPU occlusion culling (also supports VR platforms with both single pass and multi pass rendering modes). – Automatically configured custom shader support. – Supports Standard, Universal and HD Render Pipelines. – Complex hierarchies of prefabs instanced with a single click. – Multiple sub-meshes support. – LOD Groups and cross-fading support. (Cross-fading is supported on Standard Render Pipeline only) – Automatic 2D Billboard generation system (Standard RP only). – Shadows casting and receiving support for instances (frustum culled instances still can cast shadows). – Ability to use custom shadow distance per prototype and to choose the LOD to render shadows with. – Support for Floating Origin handling. – Multiple camera support. – Well documented API for procedural scenes and runtime modifications (examples included). – Ability to Remove instances inside bounds or colliders at runtime. – Ability to extend with custom Compute Shaders. – Example scenes that showcase GPU Instancer capabilities. Prefab Instancing Features: – Ability to automatically instance prefabs at your scene that you distribute with your favorite prefab painting tool. – Automatically Add-Re
2021-11-01 20:05:36 99B unity
jetson nx+opencv4.5.4源码编译需要的第三方库
2021-11-01 18:06:56 74.69MB opencv4.5.4 jetsonnx
2021-11-01 18:02:17 1.84MB rsync
2021-10-28 16:02:54 544KB
软件介绍: Manga Downloader漫画下载器是一款非常不错的漫画下载工具,是漫画爱好者必备的软件。它可以帮助你轻松下载网络上的海量漫画资源,软件内置3个中文漫画数据库,能够下载中文/英文漫画,支持漫画搜索,能够快速帮助你找到想要下载的漫画,支持批量下载,也可以单独下载漫画的某一个章节,而且下载速度非常快。虽然它的操作界面是英文的,但操作起来并不是很困难,先选择漫画数据,再从列表或者搜索中找到想要下载的漫画,双击漫画名称,在弹出的下载对话框中,选择要下载的章节,Download to表示漫画要保存的位置,点击下方的绿色的软盘图标即可下载。小编测试了一下,MH99770这个数据库的下载速度比较快。本版本为绿色注册版!
2021-10-28 13:27:35 9.23MB 其他资源
2021-10-26 21:47:48 7.91MB ecshop php5.3以上
湖北省通山县八年级物理上册 5.4 眼睛和眼镜导学案(无答案)(新版)新人教版.doc
2021-10-26 13:02:44 191KB 小学导学案