Use Wireshark 2 to overcome real-world network problems Key Features Delve into the core functionalities of the latest version of Wireshark Master network security skills with Wireshark 2 Efficiently find the root cause of network-related issues Book Description Wireshark, a combination of a Linux distro (Kali) and an open source security framework (Metasploit), is a popular and powerful tool. Wireshark is mainly used to analyze the bits and bytes that flow through a network. It efficiently deals with the second to the seventh layer of network protocols, and the analysis made is presented in a form that can be easily read by people. Mastering Wireshark 2 helps you gain expertise in securing your network. We start with installing and setting up Wireshark2.0, and then explore its interface in order to understand all of its functionalities. As you progress through the chapters, you will discover different ways to create, use, capture, and display filters. By halfway through the book, you will have mastered Wireshark features, analyzed different layers of the network protocol, and searched for anomalies. You’ll learn about plugins and APIs in depth. Finally, the book focuses on pocket analysis for security tasks, command-line utilities, and tools that manage trace files. By the end of the book, you'll have learned how to use Wireshark for network security analysis and configured it for troubleshooting purposes. What you will learn Understand what network and protocol analysis is and how it can help you Use Wireshark to capture packets in your network Filter captured traffic to only show what you need Explore useful statistic displays to make it easier to diagnose issues Customize Wireshark to your own specifications Analyze common network and network application protocols Who this book is for If you are a security professional or a network enthusiast and are interested in understanding the internal working of networks, and if you have some prior knowledge of usi
2020-02-04 03:11:13 55.97MB wireshark2 抓包 网络 流量分析
2020-01-17 03:10:13 18.57MB matlab 回声状态网络 网络
2019-12-21 22:07:11 1.33MB C#
基于SNMP的网络流量监视系统 c++源代码 包括完整的注释
2019-12-21 22:01:09 43KB snmp 网络流量监控 c++
设计并实现一个网络流量的分析系统。该系统具有以下功能:(1)实时抓取网络数据。(2)网络协议分析与显示。(3)将网络数据包聚合成数据流,以源IP、目的IP、源端口、目的端口及协议等五元组的形式存储。(4)计算并显示固定时间间隔内网络连接(双向流)的统计量(如上行与下行的数据包数目,上行与下行的数据量大小等)。在这些统计数据的基础上分析不同网络应用的流量特征。主要内容有:(1)能够实时抓取网络中的数据包。并实时显示在程序界面上。用户可自定义过滤条件以抓取所需要的数据包。(2)分析各个网络协议格式,能够显示各协议字段的实际意义。例如,能够通过该程序反映TCP三次握手的实现过程。 (3)采用Hash链表的形式将网络数据以连接(双向流)的形式存储。(4)计算并显示固定时间间隔内网络连接(双向流)的统计量(如上行与下行的数据包数目,上行与下行的数据量大小等)。例如,抓取一段时间(如30分钟)的网络流量,将该段时间以固定时长(如1分钟)为单位分成若干个时间片,计算网络连接在每一个时间片内的相关统计量。并在上述统计数据的基础上分析不同应用如WEB、DNS、在线视频等服务的流量特征。注意,可根据实际的流量分析需要自己定义相关的统计量。
2019-12-21 21:48:34 84KB WinPcap 抓包结束 解析协议
2019-12-21 21:42:05 1.61MB IP协议
Java编写的SNMP 客户端程序,可以通过SNMP获取设备的所有端口信息,选择后进而使用图表显示网络流量情况
2019-12-21 21:27:10 3.64MB JAVA 流量分析 网络 SNMP
2019-12-21 21:20:42 5.92MB Android 流量监控 网络流量 流量查看器
2019-12-21 21:20:42 1.25MB 流量监控 毕业论文 流量监测
界面上可以直观的看到网络的流量监控。 1.文件为源码,解压后直接跑就可以了。android 4.0.3,版本低的设置下就可以了。 2.可以直接用在项目里,根据需要获取其他的网络流量信息。
2019-12-21 21:18:38 672KB android 网络流量监控 源码