QHierarchy is an editor extension that adds several often used functions to hierarchy window:
- Displaying the icon of a GameObject
- Showing / hiding a GameObject
- Locking / unlocking a GameObject
- Prevent selection of locked GameObject
- Displaying tag and layer of a GameObject
- Displaying color label for a GameObject
- Displaying the icon of MonoBehaviour script attached to a GameObject
- GameObject can be showed / hidden only for edit-time, and the visibility state will return during play-time
- Displaying the number of children of a GameObject
- Displaying the number of vertices and triangles of the GameObject (can display the number including all children)
- Change the colors of icons and labels
- Displaying custom icon for any layer
- Displaying custom icon for any tag
- Displaying prefab connection status
- Displaying static flags icon of GameObject
- Displaying the error icon (MonoBehaviour script missing / Reference property is null / String property is empty / Callback of event is missing)
- Displaying icons of all scripts that attached to a GameObject
- Showing / hiding wireframe objects
- Enable / Disable MeshRenderer
- Order of icons can be changed
- Displaying the list of GameObjects in the form of a tree
- Option to add right indent (useful if you use other plugins that add another icons to the hierarchy window)
- Any feature can be disabled
- Source Code Included.
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Compatible with Unity 4.6.0+ / 5.0.1+ / 2017.1+ / 2018.1+
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- Windows 32 位独立平台(Mono)
- Windows 64 位独立平台(Mono、il2cpp)独立
- OS X 64位独立平台(Mono,il2cppp)
- Linux 64 位独立平台(实验性)(Mono)
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