网上银行系统 一个小额信贷的网上银行系统,主要是在laravel框架中使用oop php开发的。 功能包括:1:存款,2:取款,3:检查余额,4:通过此 Web 应用程序将资金从一个帐户转移到另一个帐户。
2021-06-29 19:23:03 2KB PHP
If you do not need Android Studio, you can download the basic Android command line tools below. You can use the included sdkmanager to download other SDK packages. These tools are included in Android Studio. 如果不需要Android Studio,可以下载下面的基本Android命令行工具。您可以使用附带的sdkmanager下载其他SDK包。 这些工具包含在Android Studio中。 只适于Mac系统
2021-06-26 15:05:17 99.14MB Android命令行工具 commandlinetools
If you do not need Android Studio, you can download the basic Android command line tools below. You can use the included sdkmanager to download other SDK packages. These tools are included in Android Studio. 如果不需要Android Studio,可以下载下面的基本Android命令行工具。您可以使用附带的sdkmanager下载其他SDK包。 这些工具包含在Android Studio中。 只适于Linux系统。
If you do not need Android Studio, you can download the basic Android command line tools below. You can use the included sdkmanager to download other SDK packages. These tools are included in Android Studio. 如果不需要Android Studio,可以下载下面的基本Android命令行工具。您可以使用附带的sdkmanager下载其他SDK包。 这些工具包含在Android Studio中。 只适于Windows系统。
网络应用程序模板简单 带有 jQ​​uery 和 Bootstrap 的简单 Web 应用程序模板。 | Mizzou 工作坊 - 2014 年 10 月
2021-06-23 16:04:47 7KB JavaScript
将文件名和行号转换为模块路径的实用程序。 安装 $ python setup.py install 用法 $ line_to_path test/example.py 4 > .ExampleClass.method_foo
2021-06-22 15:04:40 3KB Python
安装 HomeBrew 是会提示叫你下载的命令行工具。
2021-06-21 13:37:46 194.36MB macOS 命令行工具
最近沉迷学习无法自拔,太久没有码字,码一个小程序留言功能实现。先上一波最后效果图: (删除按钮,是用户自己的留言时才会显示该按钮) 实现技术 后台:SSM框架 数据库:MySQL数据库 数据库设计 评论功能的实现主要涉及三个表 comment:存储留言评论信息,表结构如下: 表中,必须的字段:id,user_id,reply_comment_id,comment,insert_time,source_id 添加了冗余字段username,reply_user_name,userphoto 主要用于存储微信名、回复的微信名、微信头像(这三个字段完全不应该冗余,当小程序用户更换用户名时,
2021-06-21 13:10:52 142KB border font line-height
Abstract: In order to make the operation of Beer filling production line automatic and efficient, the control of eachsubsection needs to be optimized. Arranging bottle is the first subsection of the beer filling production line. And therealization of its control function plays an important role in the smooth operation of the entire production line. To addressthe issue of the automatic control problems in the arranging bottle process, PLC (programmable logic controller) technology is applied to realize the design of the control system architecture and control procedures. In the project of the control system, depending on the operating state, the functions of the motors and solenoid valves, which are the key parts, are designed. According to the different operation, timely adjustments are made to improve the system efficiency. Meanwhile, on the basis of the monitoring of the operational status and the design of the program, the system faults are diagnosed, and the appropriate control treatments are made, which achieves an automatic, efficient and stable operation of the arranging bottle process.
2021-06-19 19:16:48 1.25MB PLC beer filling
S7-200SMART PLC通过RS485接口与西门子SMART LINE系列触摸屏通信具体步骤