本书是国际算法大师乌迪·曼博(Udi Manber)博士撰写的一本享有盛誉的著作。全书共分12章:第1章到第4章为介绍性内容,涉及数学归纳法、算法分析、数据结构等内容;第5章提出了与归纳证明进行类比的算法设计思想;第6章到第9章分别给出了4个领域的算法,如序列和集合的算法、图算法、几何算法、代数和数值算法;第10章涉及归约,也是第11章的序幕,而后者涉及NP完
2021-08-21 10:42:42 41.92MB 算法 算法引论
This updated and reorganized fourth edition of Software Testing: A Craftsman's Approach applies the strong mathematics content of previous editions to a coherent treatment of Model-Based Testing for both code-based (structural) and specification-based (functional) testing. These techniques are extended from the usual unit testing discussions to full coverage of less understood levels integration and system testing.  The Fourth Edition: Emphasizes technical inspections and is supplemented by an appendix with a full package of documents required for a sample Use Case technical inspection Introduces an innovative approach that merges the Event-Driven Petri Nets from the earlier editions with the "Swim Lane" concept from the Unified Modeling Language (UML) that permits model-based testing for four levels of interaction among constituents in a System of Systems Introduces model-based development and provides an explanation of how to conduct testing within model-based development environments Presents a new section on methods for testing software in an Agile programming environment Explores test-driven development, reexamines all-pairs testing, and explains the four contexts of software testing Thoroughly revised and updated, Software Testing: A Craftsman’s Approach, Fourth Edition is sure to become a standard reference for those who need to stay up to date with evolving technologies in software testing. Carrying on the tradition of previous editions, it will continue to serve as a valuable reference for software testers, developers, and engineers.
2021-08-19 03:23:15 3.17MB 软件 测试
Building Java Programs A Back to Basics Approach (2nd Edition) .pdf 下载.rar www.javaxxz.com
2021-08-18 08:15:21 328B java
TCP-IP Essentials - A Lab-Based Approach
2021-08-18 00:38:08 1.13MB TCP-IP Essentials - A
2021-08-17 19:53:17 34.62MB Delta算子
Operating System Design The Xinu Approach(2nd) 英文无水印pdf 第2版 pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2021-08-16 21:55:18 9.14MB Operating System Design Xinu
解决多旅行上问题,该 问题与TSP问题不同,TSP问题是围绕用户走一个闭合回路,要求距离最短,而多旅行商问题寻找多个回路,并且距离最短
2021-08-16 09:16:33 197KB 外文
Object Oriented Programming-An Evolutionary Approach
2021-08-15 11:31:22 3.77MB Objective-C
The proliferation of information housed in computerized domains makes it vital to find tools to search these resources efficiently and effectively. Ordinary retrieval techniques are inadequate because sorting is simply impossible. Consequently, proximity searching has become a fundamental computation task in a variety of application areas. Similarity Search focuses on the state of the art in developing index structures for searching the metric space. Part I of the text describes major theoretical principles, and provides an extensive survey of specific techniques for a large range of applications. Part II concentrates on approaches particularly designed for searching in large collections of data. After describing the most popular centralized disk-based metric indexes, approximation techniques are presented as a way to significantly speed up search time at the cost of some imprecision in query results. Finally, the scalable and distributed metric structures are discussed.
2021-08-10 16:00:00 11.61MB Similarity Search Metric Space
2021-08-09 10:02:41 14.74MB 计算机视觉