Applications of Space-Time Adaptive Processing (Iee Radar, Sonar, Navigation and Avionics) By Richard Klemm -------------------------------------------------------------------- Publisher: Institution of Electrical Engineers Number Of Pages: 954 Publication Date: 2004-07 ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0852969244 ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780852969243 Binding: Hardcover -------------------------------------------------------------------- Book Description: This new text, from the bestselling Principles of Space-Time Adaptive Processing (IEE, 2002), discusses various applications of space time adaptive processing, including applications in OTH-radar, ground target tracking, STAP in real world clutter environments, jammer cancellation, supperresolution, active sonar, seismics and communications. The book provides a unique overview of the broad field of space-time processing and is divided into two parts: the first dealing with the classical adaptive suppression of airborne and spacebased radar clutter, and the second comprising miscellaneous applications in other fields such as communications, underwater sound and seismics.
2021-08-07 15:09:16 41.77MB space-time
这是非常经典的一本教材,名叫adaptive signal processing,由Widrow所著,英文版,很好的教材。
2021-08-07 10:03:55 5.57MB adaptive signal processing
PREEvision_SOA 架构设计,基于Adaptive autosar和以太网,someip
2021-08-06 17:05:22 2.25MB PREEvison SOA someip Adaptiveautosar
自适应卡尔曼滤波 Adaptive Kalman Filter,是指在利用测量数据进行滤波的同时,不断地由滤波本身去判断系统的动态是否有变化,对模型参数和噪声统计特性进行估计和修正,以改进滤波设计、缩小滤波的实际误差。此种滤波方法将系统辨识与滤波估计有机地结合为一体。
2021-08-05 17:21:49 4KB 自适应卡尔曼 卡尔曼滤波 C++
Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny的书,第2版,非常好的自适应信号处理教程
2021-08-03 10:51:31 8.04MB adaptive filter 自适应滤波
matlab 代码允许重现论文中的一些结果:Chen S、Yang Y、Peng Z 等人,转子-定子系统摩擦碰撞故障检测:一种基于自适应啁啾模式分解的新方法,Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2018. 论文中使用的算法是论文中算法的简化版本:Chen S, Yang Y, Peng Z, et al, Adaptive chirp mode tracking: Algorithm and Applications, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2018. Some部分脚本来自以下论文:Chen S、Dong X、Peng Z 等人,非线性 Chirp 模式分解:一种变分方法,IEEE 信号处理交易,2017 年。以及论文:Chen S、Dong X、Xing G等人,通过脊路径重组和固有线性调频分量分
2021-07-29 22:05:44 225KB matlab
图像质量的提高是广泛的基于视觉的应用的基本过程。在不利环境下捕获的图像通常会降低信息内容、清晰度和色彩。 在改善图像的尝试中,非锐化掩蔽滤波器因其计算效率而成为有吸引力的候选者。 然而,过滤器容易受到超范围问题的影响,即像素大小超出允许范围。 如果在增强中使用非自适应过程,则此缺点尤其明显。 因此,在此提出一种自适应增益调整方法,其目的是在使图像清晰度和信息含量最大化的同时,使超范围像素的数量最小。 在这种方法中,色彩通过颜色通道拉伸得到改善,对比度通过边缘增强得到增强。 具体而言,构建了一个双曲正切函数,其尺度取决于原始图像强度和检测到的边缘,用于调整锐度增强的增益。
2021-07-27 19:51:55 3KB matlab
STAP 重要著作 Space-Time Adaptive Processing for Radar 【成文时间】:05 , 2003 【语言】:English 【页数】:204 【作者】:J. R.Guerci 【文件格式】:pdf 【文件原名】:stap 【推荐点评】:对STAP的框架体系进行了系统的讨论,学习STAP的人可以从中得到许多原创性的。 启发。 【摘要或目录】: The burgeoning popularity of space-time adaptive processing (STAP) is easily demonstrated with a quick keyword search. Although originally coined for airborne multichannel moving target indicator (MTI) radar [1, 2], the acronym has been adopted in many disciplines in which joint adaptive sensor temporal and spatial processing are performed (e.g., multidimensional adaptive filtering). Although a widely published topic, there is a void in book-form coverage at the introductory to intermediate level—a niche which this book is designed to address.
2021-07-24 23:00:01 5.76MB Radar
Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing.pdf 绝对清晰版本
2021-07-21 15:58:39 9.19MB Statistical and Adaptive Signal
声明:本pdf来自网络,仅供学习用,不可用于商业用途。 深度学习,大牛作品,希望对大家有用
2021-07-20 19:30:43 31.22MB Artificial I Deep Leaning