2022-04-12 09:36:22 1KB jsp 网页计数器 session application
Optimizing Java_Practical Techniques for Improving JVM Application Performance(2018.05).A4.pdf 预览文字版 Currently, no books exist that focus on the practicalities of Java application performance tuning, as opposed to the theory and internals of Java virtual machines. This practical guide is the "missing link" that aims to move Java performance tuning from the realm of guesswork and folklore to an experimental science.
2022-04-06 23:57:21 11.89MB Java
As many redundant and irrelevant features exist, there is a challenge in classifying biology data. These features mislead the classi cation algorithms and increase the error rate of classi cation. Feature Selection (FS) can identify redundant features and remove them from the raw data to solve this problem. However, it is plagued by high computational costs and local optimization. The heuristic algorithm is utilized to solve this problem in this article. Adaptive Fish Migration Optimization.
2022-04-06 03:10:02 9.26MB 启发式算法 算法
Citrix 应用交付_Application Delivery.pdf
2022-04-06 00:56:43 1.22MB Citrix
主要开发oracle peoplesoft项目使用,比较适合初学者,本人使用deepl进行翻译,非人工翻译
2022-04-06 00:45:50 9.83MB oracle 数据库 peoplesoft peoplecode
2022-04-06 00:36:21 6KB asp.net 后端
思博伦测试仪application 软件包 windows 原版安装程序,不是破解版,License需要去思博伦购买. 如果你需要专业的网络测试仪,搜索本站 MiniSMB网络性能测试仪表 工控版. 该软件复刻了思博伦 spirent的smart window.基于DPDK技术,性能直达14Mpps+/10Gbps.比开源软件性能,发送精度高的多,同时内置友好的用户界面对报文进行编辑..http://docs.minismb.com 有更细的文档资料.
计算机视觉算法与应用computer vision algorithm and application
2022-03-28 23:55:00 47.42MB 计算机视觉 算法 应用
Application Development with Qt Creator
2022-03-24 16:52:51 3.35MB Qt Creator