Unity访问相册图片插件 UnityNativeGallery
2022-07-08 18:12:28 236KB Unity插件 读取相册
Unity AssetStore插件 Shapes 是一款实时向量图库,带有高质量的线条画和无限分辨率的图形,并以高级的抗锯齿技术渲染 功能特色 高质量的线条画,带有随机厚度以及高级抗锯齿 • 可指定厚度单位为米、像素或节点 • 2D 形状,比如多段线、圆盘、弧形、饼形、矩形以及更多 • 3D 形状,比如球体、环面、立方体、椎体、3D 线以及更多 • 易用的基于组件的形状,带有可调整的参数 • 立即模式 API,来为了基于代码的绘画,并支持视图工具 • 高度基于 GPU。几乎不需调整参数 • 支持 GPU 实例化 • 单通道实例化 VR 渲染支持
2022-07-05 17:05:01 1.33MB Unity 插件
最新版本2022年4月2日 1.12.5 如果觉得好用,请去Unity官方商城购买支持 https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/physics/magica-cloth-160144 描述 BoneCloth 已添加水平连接模式! 已添加减法(翻转)缩放! 已添加运行时缩放功能! 添加表面穿透/碰撞体穿透系统! Magica Cloth 是由 Unity Job System + Burst 编译器操作的高速布料模拟功能。 [要求] - Unity2018.4.0(LTS) 或更高版本 - [Burst] 资源包 - [Jobs] 资源包(预览) - [Collections] 资源包(预览) - [Mathematics] 资源包
2022-07-03 22:04:01 23.27MB 综合资源 Unity插件 unity3d unity
2022-07-03 15:59:37 65.28MB unity AVProVideo 移动端
2022-07-02 17:01:16 47.31MB unity 游戏引擎
unity dotween pro插件v1.0.165(含pro版本内容)
2022-06-30 11:06:15 407KB unity 插件
Urban Pack 现代城市场景资源包虚拟现实
2022-06-28 16:24:33 109B unity 插件
QHierarchy is an editor extension that adds several often used functions to hierarchy window: - Displaying the icon of a GameObject - Showing / hiding a GameObject - Locking / unlocking a GameObject - Prevent selection of locked GameObject - Displaying tag and layer of a GameObject - Displaying color label for a GameObject - Displaying the icon of MonoBehaviour script attached to a GameObject - GameObject can be showed / hidden only for edit-time, and the visibility state will return during play-time - Displaying the number of children of a GameObject - Displaying the number of vertices and triangles of the GameObject (can display the number including all children) - Change the colors of icons and labels - Displaying custom icon for any layer - Displaying custom icon for any tag - Displaying prefab connection status - Displaying static flags icon of GameObject - Displaying the error icon (MonoBehaviour script missing / Reference property is null / String property is empty / Callback of event is missing) - Displaying icons of all scripts that attached to a GameObject - Showing / hiding wireframe objects - Enable / Disable MeshRenderer - Order of icons can be changed - Displaying the list of GameObjects in the form of a tree - Option to add right indent (useful if you use other plugins that add another icons to the hierarchy window) - Any feature can be disabled - Source Code Included. Website | Documentation | Contacts Compatible with Unity 4.6.0+ / 5.0.1+ / 2017.1+ / 2018.1+
2022-06-28 13:45:18 350KB Unity3d Unity插件 QHierarchy Unity
类似Unity Timeline 的插件,做时间轴编辑器
2022-06-27 11:06:24 446KB Unity插件 Slate SlateCinematic unityslate
Embedded Browser 3.1.0,支持NGUI,脚本付在压缩包内; 该插件在unity商店里面有,售价75$,着实有点贵。我在其他地方找了一个,使用期间发现只支持了UGUI和场景Mesh显示,后来我自己写了NGUI的支持,如果有不足的,可以优化优化哈。 第一款能够真正在 VSCode 中浏览网页的插件; 支持的平台 - Windows 32 位独立平台(Mono) - Windows 64 位独立平台(Mono、il2cpp)独立 - OS X 64位独立平台(Mono,il2cppp) - Linux 64 位独立平台(实验性)(Mono)