The ultimate handbook on microwave circuit design with CAD. Full of tips and insights from seasoned industry veterans, Microwave Circuit Design offers practical, proven advice on improving the design quality of microwave passive and active circuits-while cutting costs and time. Covering all levels of microwave circuit design from the elementary to the very advanced, the book systematically presents computer-aided methods for linear and nonlinear designs used in the design and manufacture of microwave amplifiers, oscillators, and mixers.
2021-07-24 10:03:24 13.5MB 微波 电路设计
Design Techniques for Multiband Multimode Radios _Ellingson.pdf
2021-07-18 20:00:50 4.91MB SDR
Far too many programmers and software designers consider efficient C++ to be an oxymoron. They regard C++ as inherently slow and inappropriate for performance- critical applications. Consequently, C++ has had little success penetrating domains such as networking, operating system kernels, device drivers, and others. Efficient C++ explodes that myth.
2021-07-17 20:07:34 1.67MB c++
本书为《编译原理 技术与工具》,是国外著名高等院校信息科学与技术优秀教材,人民邮电出版社出版。
2021-07-16 13:07:06 36.47MB 编译原理 技术与工具
2021-07-08 09:52:30 30.5MB 通信原理 同步 载波同步
事务处理:概念与技术 英文版pdf,本书列举了大量成功的商业和研究系统的实例,此外,列出了许多事务处理算法的可编译的C代码片段。本书对于那些对实现分布式系统或客户-服务器结构感兴趣的人来说,是值得一读的。   事务处理广泛地应用于数据库和操作系统领域,并在现代计算机系统中监控、控制和更新信息。本书向读者展示了大型的、分布的、异构的计算机系统是如何进行可靠工作的。作者使用事务作为基本概念,说明了在有限的资金和风险下如何构建高性能的高可用性应用。书中还详细阐述了各种可能发生的问题,以及解决这些问题的实际可用的技术。本书列举了大量成功的商业和研究系统的实例,此外,列出了许多事务处理算法的可编译的C代码片段。本书对于那些对实现分布式系统或客户-服务器结构感兴趣的人来说,是值得一读的。 本书适合作为高校的教科书,也可作为计算机专业人员的参考书。
2021-07-07 18:37:50 38.74MB 事务处理
2021-07-07 14:04:40 171KB fpga fifo 英文
2021-07-07 14:04:38 569KB verilog CDC FPGA
Marvelous Techniques is a asset package which includes tools to make powerful games with very popular flat atmospheric graphics style used in many top selling games recently. The package suits for all people with every skill level. Prototyping of different game styles is fast thanks to easy to use shaders and tools. This asset package is unique and you can't find anything similar from the Asset Store. When purchased you don't only get the package you get premium support so all your problems wi
2021-07-02 15:31:57 11.43MB unity 体素