Pandas is a popular Python package used for practical, real-world data analysis. It provides efficient, fast, and high-performance data structures that make data exploration and analysis very easy. This learner's guide will help you through a comprehensive set of features provided by the pandas library to perform efficient data manipulation and analysis.
2023-04-05 00:09:35 35.54MB pandas python 数据处理
Gensim数据有什么用? 研究数据集经常消失,随时间变化,变得过时或没有理智的实现来处理数据格式的读取和处理。 因此,Gensim推出了自己的d Gensim数据的用途是什么? 研究数据集经常消失,随时间变化,变得过时或没有理智的实现来处理数据格式的读取和处理。 因此,Gensim推出了自己的数据集存储,致力于提供长期支持,合理的标准化用法API,并专注于非结构化文本处理(无图像或音频)的数据集。 该Gensim数据存储库用作该存储。 您无需直接使用此存储库。 因斯泰
2023-04-04 23:05:25 22KB Python Deep Learning
Deep-Learning-with-PyTorch 辛苦下载下来赚点积分下其他东西,分享给有需要的,感谢大家!
2023-04-04 22:14:37 145.47MB 深度学习 pytorch
使用神经混合形状学习骨骼关节 这个存储库提供了一个端到端的库,用于自动角色绑定、蒙皮和混合形状生成,以及一个可视化工具。 它基于我们在 SIGGRAPH 2021 上发表的研究。 先决条件 我们的代码已经在 Ubuntu 18.04 上测试过。 在开始之前,请通过以下方式配置您的 Anaconda 环境 conda env create -f environment.yaml conda activate neural-blend-shapes 或者您可以手动安装以下软件包(及其依赖项): 火炬 1.8 张量板 tqdm 矮胖的 opencv-python 快速开始 我们提供了一个专用于 Biped 角色的预训练模型。 从或(9ras)下载并解压预训练模型,并将pre_trained文件夹放在项目目录下。 跑步 python --pose_file=./eval_
Radar Signal Processing Design and Implementation for Machine Learning
2023-04-04 15:50:47 1.87MB Radar
Machine Learning A Bayesian and Optimization Perspective.pdf
2023-04-02 15:15:18 33.65MB Machine Learning Bayesian
深度学习课程 我在研究生深度学习课程中所做的实际作业和项目。 课程连结: :
2023-04-02 14:54:40 51.87MB JupyterNotebook
Application of FPGA to real-time machine learning - hardware reservoir computers and software image processing [Antonik, P.][Springer,][2018] This book lies at the interface of machine learning – a subfield of computer science that develops algorithms for challenging tasks such as shape or image recognition, where traditional algorithms fail – and photonics – the physical science of light, which underlies many of the optical communications technologies used in our information society. It provides a thorough introduction to reservoir computing and field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Recently, photonic implementations of reservoir computing (a machine learning algorithm based on artificial neural networks) have made a breakthrough in optical computing possible. In this book, the author pushes the performance of these systems significantly beyond what was achieved before. By interfacing a photonic reservoir computer with a high-speed electronic device (an FPGA), the author successfully interacts with the reservoir computer in real time, allowing him to considerably expand its capabilities and range of possible applications. Furthermore, the author draws on his expertise in machine learning and FPGA programming to make progress on a very different problem, namely the real-time image analysis of optical coherence tomography for atherosclerotic arteries.
2023-04-01 23:22:04 3.69MB FPGA
Interpretable Machine Learning by Christoph Molnar .pdf
2023-03-31 21:30:48 36.43MB
PyTorch 官方教程 Every other day we hear about new ways to put deep learning to good use: improved medical imaging, accurate credit card fraud detection, long range weather forecasting, and more. PyTorch puts these superpowers in your hands, providing a comfortable Python experience that gets you started quickly and then grows with you as you—and your deep learning skills—become more sophisticated. Deep Learning with PyTorch will make that journey engaging and fun.
2023-03-31 20:34:28 14.55MB PyTorch