Wireless Positioning Principles and Practice,2019年新书,介绍了无线定位技术原理和实践
2021-08-24 11:23:32 16.58MB Wireless  Positioning 无线定位
Data Flow Analysis Theory and Practice.pdData Flow Analysis Theory and Practice.pdData Flow Analysis Theory and Practice.pdData Flow Analysis Theory and Practice.pd
2021-08-23 11:44:36 3.06MB Data Flow Analys
2021-08-20 17:24:55 35.45MB REST 中文版
2021-08-19 22:50:45 306KB Linux C++ CMake
Coverage includes * Evolving the enterprise architecture towards an SOA while continuing to deliver business value on a project-by-project basis * Understanding the fundamentals of SOA and distributed systems, the dominant architectural issues, and the design patterns for addressing them * Understanding the distinct roles of project and enterprise architects and how they must collaborate to create an SOA * Understanding the need for a comprehensive total architecture approach that encompasses business processes, people, systems, data, and infrastructure * Understanding the strategies and tradeoffs for implementing robust, secure, high-performance, and high-availability solutions * Understanding how to incorporate business process management (BPM) and business process monitoring into the enterprise architecture
2021-08-19 17:41:35 9.63MB SOA Architecture
This book covers:, Basic concepts of concurrency and thread safety, Techniques for building and composing thread-safe classes, Using the concurrency building blocks in java.util.concurrent, Performance optimization dos and don'ts, Testing concurrent programs, Advanced topics such as atomic variables, nonblocking algorithms, and the Java Memory Model
2021-08-18 11:05:49 5.24MB java
数据流分析理论及实践Data Flow Analysis Theory and Practice
2021-08-13 19:56:33 2.27MB 静态分析 数据流分析 Data Flow
A book with detail introduction to the LTE system.
2021-08-13 14:27:08 9.13MB Cellular network
Safety of The Intended Functionality ( SOTIF ) and Functional Safety ( Fusa ) , Why SOTIF ? SOTIF Safety Analysis overview SOTIF and Scenarios Summary
2021-08-12 09:00:08 2.53MB SOTIF 安全分析 安全测试 汽车安全
标准Practice脚本的扩展名是.cmm,因此有人也称之为cmm脚本 Practice脚本是Lauterbach公司提供的一种脚本语言,运用于其TRACE32软件当中,非常容易上手、并且功能强大。 我在文章https://thanklife.blog.csdn.net/article/details/119608383做了简单说明 先加后记:在搜TARACE32的cmm文件和脚本的时候找到如下的文章。既然是Practice语言。TRACE32应该有这个帮助。于是在安装的TRACE的在线帮助PDF文档下面找到了如下三个文章,我觉得后面学习该内容就可以通过这三个文件了。 training_practice.pdf practice_user.pdf practice_ref.pdf
2021-08-11 19:01:57 521KB TRACE32