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2021-08-17 20:44:39 130.49MB Global Mapper v15.0 安装
Visualizing the global ImageList-Content
2021-08-15 01:52:20 2.84MB Visualizingthe
2021-08-12 16:12:52 381B Global_mapper 注册码
Global Mapper v20 64bit License 授权,请先下载 Global Mapper v20 64bit 安装完成后,再安装本补丁.
2021-08-11 10:58:44 33.07MB Global Mappe v20 授权
新版Global Mapper 14 (64-bit),已汉化注册,可以完美运行。
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2021-08-11 08:51:43 47.29MB Global Mapper
2021-08-09 10:47:14 9.18MB Globalmapper
Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, Global Edition By 作者: Keith Ross (author) James Kurose (author) ISBN-10 书号: 1292153598 ISBN-13 书号: 9781292153599 Edition 版本: 7th Release Finelybook 出版日期: 2016-11-21 Format: 855 For courses in Networking/Communications Motivates readers with a top-down, layered approach to computer networking Unique among computer networking texts, the Seventh Edition of the popular Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach builds on the author’s long tradition of teaching this complex subject through a layered approach in a “top-down manner.” The text works its way from the application layer down toward the physical layer, motivating readers by exposing them to important concepts early in their study of networking. Focusing on the Internet and the fundamentally important issues of networking, this text provides an excellent foundation for readers interested in computer science and electrical engineering, without requiring extensive knowledge of programming or mathematics. The Seventh Edition has been updated to reflect the most important and exciting recent advances in networking. pre._ch1 Ch1:Computer Networks and the Internet Ch2:Application Layer Ch3:Transport Layer Ch4:The Network Layer:Data Plane Ch5:The Network Layer:Control Plane Ch6:The Link Layer and LANs Ch7:Wireless and Mobile Networks Ch8:Security in Computer Networks Ch9:Multimedia Networking References Index endCover
2021-08-05 22:10:21 130.7MB Network
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