event_listener.jsx PS事件监听脚本
2021-01-28 00:30:59 9KB event_listener.j
用Chrome插件Visual Event查看Dom绑定的事件 Visual Event简介 Visual Event是一个开源Javascript 书签,能提供绑定在DOM元素上的事件调试信息。Visual Event能显示如下信息: 1、哪一个元素有事件绑定 2、某元素上绑定的事件类型 3、事件触发后运行的代码段 4、定义绑定函数的源文件和行号(仅限于WebKit和Opera浏览器) 除了对调试你自己的代码大有用途,Visual Event还能被用作教学工具,显示发起了多少网站。Visual Event是开源软件(GPLv2),并且在GitHub上有一个Git仓库目录,供你去提交或照你所想的去修改 安装 由于Visual Event是一个小书签,所以在任何网页上安装和运行它都很简单: 1、拖拽右侧的“Visual Event”链接到你的书签栏上:Visual Event 2、载入一个使用了浏览器所能支持的js库的网页 3、点击书签栏中的“Visual Event” 4、查看绑定在文档元素上的事件处理器
CRC出版的关于离散事件建模与仿真的教材 Product Description Complex artificial dynamic systems require advanced modeling techniques that can accommodate their asynchronous, concurrent, and highly non-linear nature. Discrete Event systems Specification (DEVS) provides a formal framework for hierarchical construction of discrete-event models in a modular manner, allowing for model re-use and reduced development time. Discrete Event Modeling and Simulation presents a practical approach focused on the creation of discrete-event applications. The book introduces the CD++ tool, an open-source framework that enables the simulation of discrete-event models. After setting up the basic theory of DEVS and Cell-DEVS, the author focuses on how to use the CD++ tool to define a variety of models in biology, physics, chemistry, and artificial systems. They also demonstrate how to map different modeling techniques, such as Finite State Machines and VHDL, to DEVS. The in-depth coverage elaborates on the creation of simulation software for DEVS models and the 3D visualization environments associated with these tools. A much-needed practical approach to creating discrete-event applications, this book offers world-class instruction on the field’s most useful modeling tools. About the Author Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
2020-03-07 03:04:16 13.51MB 离散事件 建模 仿真
2019-12-21 22:11:19 1.06MB event-b 教材
2019-12-21 21:59:57 13.65MB Event-B
Modeling in Event-B System and Software Engineering pdf书籍和全部ppt
2019-12-21 21:30:57 5.9MB Event-B
使用vs2015开发,使用.net 4.0版本,低版本打不开的话,可以自行搜索如何打开高版本的项目。可以输入到任意光标定位要输入键盘值的点,组合键调用及有好的想法,可以下载下来修改就可以用,代码无多余的东西,简单明了。
2019-12-21 21:19:20 6.77MB 软键盘 key_event 系统键盘 键盘控件
Modeling in Event-B-System and software Engineering pdf电子版
2019-12-21 21:03:32 3.01MB model 形式化 event-b
2019-12-21 20:42:05 51KB adaptive control event-triggered simulink仿真
在使用eclipse的时候,有时候会弹出一个方框,里面的内容是Unhandled event loop exception No more handles,当你点击OK的时候,又会出来一个方框,里面第一句话是 An SWT error has occurred,并且诱导你关闭eclipse,严重影响了我们对eclipse的使用。本人就是遇到这样的问题,百度了大量资料没有解决,后来自己摸索整理了两套方法,写在附件里,供大家使用,希望能帮大家解决这个棘手的问题。
2019-12-21 20:39:49 25KB 报错解决 eclipse