CAN BUS规范v2.0+中文版
2021-08-30 15:29:55 3.6MB CAN
上海公交信息API查询 数据来源:上海发布 API接口: 查询车辆站台信息 /api/v1/stations/// 查询车辆到站信息 /api/v1/stops/// 示例: 查询公交100上行站台信息 /api/v1/stations/up/110/ { "data": { "1": "吉浦路仁德路", "2": "武川路武东路", "3": "武川路政立路", "4": "政立路国权北路", "5": "政立路逸仙路", "6": "逸仙路场中路", "7": "江湾(逸仙路)", "8": "逸仙路纪念路",
2021-08-27 12:47:40 5KB bus shanghai Python
PCIe local bus specificatioin 3.0. For the one who is working on the PCIe device debug and enumeration debug.
2021-08-26 09:29:22 3.39MB PCI PCIe
I2C-bus specification and user manual
2021-08-25 13:00:32 523KB i2c-busspec
项目驱动 CAN-bus现场总线基础教程(pdf)
2021-08-23 21:46:28 138.02MB CAN-bus现场总线 周立功 pdf 高清扫描
Universal Serial Bus Device Class Definition for Audio Data Formats. The intention of this document is to describe in detail all the Audio Data Formats that are supported by the Audio Device Class. This document is considered an integral part of the Audio Device Class Specification, although subsequent revisions of this document are independent of the revision evolution of the main USB Audio Specification. This is to easily accommodate the addition of new Audio Data Formats without impeding the core USB Audio Specification.
2021-08-22 15:30:38 122KB USB Audio
Universal Serial Bus Device Class Definition for Audio Devices(UAC2.0协议文档),研究usb audio必读,欢迎下载!
2021-08-22 15:17:31 885KB UAC 2.0
MBUS协议转TTL电平接收发送电路,光耦隔离传输,可直接与单片机通信。 本电路已经过验证,已实现工程量产。解压密码:871930
SPI 接口技术是一种高速高效率的串行接口技术,主要用于扩展外设和进行数据交换,在许多高档的单片机中,已经作为一种配 置标准。如AT89S8252、ADμC812 等等,使工程技术人员在设计系统时具有更大的灵活性,因而受到工程技术人员的欢迎。但象 MCS51 系列、MCS96 系列等应用非常广泛的单片机并不带SPI 接口,这样就限制了在这些系统中使用带SPI 接口的器件。本部分 将用软件模拟SPI 接口时序的方法来实现它们之间的数据交换。
2021-08-20 11:33:16 179KB SPI bus