Certified Business Manager - CBM认证考试题库
This book helps you prepare to take the CBAP ® or CCBA ™ certifi cation exams. The CBAP ® exam is designed for experienced business analysts, while the newer CCBA ™ exam targets people who have less experience in the business analysis profession. We cannot guarantee that reading this book will result in you passing the exam, but we hope that you will fi nd its contents motivating and helpful. The CCBA ™ exam provides less experienced business analysts with their fi rst step toward obtaining the CBAP ® designation. This exam targets individuals who are profi cient in some aspects of business analysis, are in the process of developing business analysis skills and expertise, and who apply business analysis to smaller scope projects and less complex tasks. The CCBA ™ certifi cation expires after fi ve years. The expectation is that you will then apply to take the CBAP ® exam when you have gained more business analysis experience. You can also retake the CCBA ™ exam if you have not yet met the required CBAP ® exam level of business analysis experience.
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