2023-01-29 13:40:06 167.3MB CoppeliaSim 机器人仿真
☆ 资源说明:☆ [Krasis Consulting S.L.] .Net 4.0 面向领域多层架构指南 (英文版) [Krasis Consulting S.L.] N-Layered Domain-Oriented Architecture Guide with .NET 4.0 (E-Book) ☆ 图书概要:☆ This book is a necessary and great attempt to distill the existing body of best practices for doing DDD with EF. I hope it will be very useful for those customers in need of such kind of guidance. Like EF, I hope this book will also evolve over time to accommodate new knowledge and scenarios. I am looking forward to seeing the impact of this initial work, as well as other things coming from the authors in the future. Target audience of the Guide This guide is targeted to the people involved in the entire lifecycle of software products or corporate applications with custom development. Specially, the following roles are applicable: Software Architect、Lead Developer and Developer. ☆ 出版信息:☆ [作者信息] Cesar de la Torre , Unai Zorrilla , Javier Calvarro , Miguel Angel Ramos [出版机构] Krasis Consulting S.L. [出版日期] 2011年05月20日 [图书页数] 480页 [图书语言] 英语 [图书格式] PDF 格式
2023-01-26 09:42:47 20.43MB 架构设计 .Net C# ASP.NET
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工业4.0时代MES在智慧工厂的应用,“智能工厂”的一个特征是可重新配置生产 系统,它将对相关生产系统的属性及参数进行 改变。生产管理系统(如生产控制)必须考虑 这一点,所以新的生产管理系统始终需要更新 那些会受影响的生产系统的当前状态。受影响 的系统不仅指的是本地系统,而且还包括所有 生产过程中的其它各种系统。整个供应链的资 源供应必须是可见的,并且在可用性方面要完 全透明,要实现智能化生产,必须先实现透明 化。
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