Abstract —— Renewable Energy is emerging as major Source of power throughout the world. Wind Energy is one of the most popular sources of renewable energy. Distribution-connected wind turbine is accompanied with various power quality issues. Flicker is one of the power quality issues in a distributionconnected wind turbine imposing technical limitations on amount of wind power to be integrated at particular point of common coupling (PCC). This paper details the flicker problems ncountered upon the connection of wind power to distribution networks and its effects on the network characteristics commensurate with the flicker severity. It describes the mitigation of flicker in a distribution connected wind-farm with the STATCOM.
2021-08-26 14:08:23 467KB STATCOM 风电场 闪变抑制
Abstract—This paper proposes an adaptive optimal policy for hourly operation of an energy storage system (ESS) in a gridconnected wind power company. The purpose is to time shift wind energy to maximize the expected daily profit following uncertainties in wind generation and electricity price. A stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) framework is adopted to formulate this problem, and an objective function approximation method is applied to improve the SDP computational efficiency. Case studies on the Electric Reliability Council of Texas demonstrate that the resultant profits from SDP-based operation policy are considerably higher than those from deterministic policy, and comparable to those from the perfect information model. It is concluded that the presented SDP approach can provide operation policy highly adaptive to uncertainties arising from wind and price. The proposed framework can help the wind company optimally manage its generation with ESS.
2021-08-25 17:05:37 2.03MB 风电场 储能