This book explains why AI is unique, what legal and ethical problems it could cause, and how we can address them. It argues that AI is unlike is any other previous technology, owing to its ability to take decisions independently and unpredictably. This gives rise to three issues: responsibility―who is liable if AI causes harm; rights―the disputed moral and pragmatic grounds for granting AI legal personality; and the ethics surrounding the decision-making of AI. The book suggests that in order to address these questions we need to develop new institutions and regulations on a cross-industry and international level. Incorporating clear explanations of complex topics, Robot Rules will appeal to a multi-disciplinary audience, from those with an interest in law, politics and philosophy, to computer programming, engineering and neuroscience.
2021-05-31 18:07:29 3.69MB Artificial  Intelligence Robot  Rules
2021-05-31 15:53:55 95KB ArtificialBeeC
2021-05-29 01:28:26 16.8MB AI RL
心电图分类 该代码包含一种基于多个支持向量机(SVM)的自动分类心电图(ECG)方法的实现。 该方法依赖于随后的搏动及其形态之间的时间间隔来进行ECG表征。 使用基于小波,局部二进制模式(LBP),高阶统计量(HOS)和几个幅度值的不同描述符。 有关详细说明,请参见以下文章: : 如果您在出版物中使用此代码,请引用为: @article{MONDEJARGUERRA201941, author = {Mond{\'{e}}jar-Guerra, V and Novo, J and Rouco, J and Penedo, M G and Ortega, M}, doi = {}, issn = {1746-8094}, journal = {Biomedical Signal Processing and Control}, pages = {41--48}, title = {{Heartbeat classification fusing temporal and morphologica
使用深度学习(Tensorflow,Tensorflow lite,TensorRT和OpenVINO)在CPU,GPU,VPU和FPGA上实现世界上最快的ANPR / ALPR实现。 多操作系统(NVIDIA Jetson,Android,Raspberry Pi,Linux,Windows)和多Arch(ARM,x86)。 入门Android示例应用程序Benchmark(Java)VideoParallel(Java)VideoSequential(Java)ImageSnap(Java)尝试示例使用Java API将SDK添加到项目中Raspberry Pi(Raspbian OS),Linux,NVIDIA Jetson,Windows等应用程序基准(C ++)识别器(C ++,C#,Java和Python)使用C ++ API获取帮助,网址为的在线Web演示,网址为https://www.SDK .doubango.or
2021-05-28 14:03:11 461.25MB C/C++ Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach Second Edition Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig
2021-05-23 16:49:37 29.52MB Artificial Intelligence Modern Approach
2021-05-20 10:02:30 11KB ABC java
Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach 3rd ed - S. Russell, P. Norvig
2021-05-12 15:38:51 44.8MB 人工智能
派托奇的SIREN SIREN-Pytorch实现。 安装 $ pip install siren-pytorch 用法 基于SIREN的多层神经网络 import torch from torch import nn from siren_pytorch import SirenNet net = SirenNet ( dim_in = 2 , # input dimension, ex. 2d coor dim_hidden = 256 , # hidden dimension dim_out = 3 , # output dimension, ex. rgb value num_layers = 5 ,
语音情感分析仪 基于长期短期记忆(LSTM)网络的语音情感分析器。 该模型可以有效地分析愤怒,厌恶,恐惧,幸福,中立,悲伤和惊奇的7种基本情绪。 在多伦多情感言语集(TESS)数据集上进行了培训。 这对模型的可推广性造成了一些固有的限制。 由于TESS目前只有两名女性配音演员,并且在录音室中进行录制,因此该模型无法与直接制作相提并论。 该代码在jupyternotebook文件中,并且记录充分。