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2021-08-24 14:21:52 12.67MB aspose-words aspose 20.4 jdk17
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2021-08-21 19:00:30 2.81MB 安全
快速敏感词过滤 即将停止和移除(本项目计划于1月31日停止和移除) 本项目计划于1月31日停止和移除,请谅解,谢谢。推荐以AC自动机替代 性能概述 使用60MB大小的小说测试,单核性能超过50M字符每秒(i7 2.3GHz)。 敏感词 14553 条 待过滤文本共 599254 行,30613005 字符。 过滤耗时 0.535 秒, 速度为 57220.6字符/毫秒 其中 39691 行有替换 优化方式 主要的优化目标是速度,从以下方面优化: 敏感词都是2个字以上的, 对于句子中的一个位置,用2个字符的hash在稀疏的hash桶中查找,如果查不到说明一定不是敏感词,则继续下一个位置。 2个字符(2x16位),可以预先组合为1个int(32位)的mix,即使hash命中,如果mix不同则跳过。 StringPointer,在不生成新实例的情况下计算任意位置2个字符的hash和mix Str
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2021-08-20 01:25:41 3.76MB Aspose
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2021-08-16 17:43:04 11.38MB apng xpdf wordpress
SUMMARY This paper mainly discusses the time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA) estimation problem of digital modulation signal under impulsive noise and cochannel interference environment. Since the conventional TDOA estimation algorithms based on the second-order cyclic statistics degenerated severely in impulsive noise and the TDOA estimation algorithms based on correntropy are out of work in cochannel interference, a novel robust signal-selective algorithm based on the generalized cyclic correntropy is proposed, which can suppress both impulsive noise and cochannel interference. Theoretical derivation and simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed algorithm. key words: Alpha-stable distribution, impulsive noise, Cyclic correntropy,TDOA, Cochannel interference.
2021-08-14 19:36:16 1.5MB key words: A
英文同义词辨析词典。 USE THE RIGHT WORD MODERN GUIDE TO SYNONYMS AND RELATED WORDS lists of antonyms copious cross-references a complete and legible index THE EDITORS OF THE READER'S DISGEST and the Funk & Wagnalls Dictionary Staff THE READER'S DIGEST LONDON SYDNEY NEWYORK HONGKONG MANILA
2021-08-12 20:52:29 2.08MB USE THE RIGHT WORD
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