P.S. 因为上传附件大小受限,故将本资源分为两部分,第一部分是 Dr. Dobb's Essential Books on Algorithms and Data Structures(Part 1) ,请注意两个一起下载,否则内容不全。 1.Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C (C) 1993, The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 2.Data Structures, Algorithms, and Program Style Using C (C) 1988, PWS Kent Publishing Co. All rights reserved. 3.Data Structures: From Arrays to Priority Queues (C)1985, Wadsworth, Inc. All rights reserved. 4.Fundamentals of Data Structures (C) 1976, 1983 Computer Science Press, Inc. All rights reserved. 5.Information Retrieval: Data Structures and Algorithms (C)1992, PTR Prentice-Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 6.Introduction to Algorithms (C) 1990, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved. 7.Practical Data Structures in C++ (C) 1993, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. 8.Reliable Data Structures in C (C) 1985, Plum Hall Inc. All rights reserved. 9.Data Structures and Algorithms (C) 1983, Bell Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved. 10.Articles from Dr. Dobb's Journal (C) 1998, Miller Freeman, Inc. All rights reserved.
Finite Elements for Nonlinear Continua and Structures.pdf 非线性有限元经典书,662页,此书被清华大学庄先生翻译
2021-08-19 13:37:38 2.13MB by Ted Belytschko
2021-08-16 18:09:25 78.73MB algorithms coursera data-structures hse
数据结构和算法专业化 该存储库包含UC圣地亚哥大学和高等经济学院创建的材料和解决方案。 该专业是理论与实践的结合:您将学习解决各种计算问题的算法技术,并将以您选择的编程语言实现大约100种算法编码问题。 该专业包含两个现实世界的项目:Big Networks和Genome Assembly。 您将分析道路网络和社交网络,并将学习如何计算纽约和旧金山之间的最短路径(比标准最短路径算法快1000倍!)之后,您将学习如何从数百万个短片段中组装基因组DNA以及组装算法如何推动个性化医学的最新发展。 专业化课程包括6门课程: 图上的算法 字符串算法 先进的算法和复杂性 基因组大会编程挑战
详细介绍data structures方面的资料。
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Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ Fourth Edition Mark Allen Weiss.pdf 经典数据结构书籍
2021-08-14 12:23:47 4.21MB 数据结构 c++
The Design And Analysis Of Spatial Data Structures - Hanan Samet
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Foundations of Multidimensional and Metric Data Structures
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2021-08-05 23:17:11 60.55MB Michael Main
ISBI Challenge: Segmentation of neuronal structures in EM stacks 训练数据有30张,分辨率为512x512,这些图片是果蝇的电镜图。
2021-08-02 11:15:50 28.52MB ISBI 细胞结构图 果蝇电镜图