Data Center Manageability Interface Specification The following documents are companion and supporting specifications for DCMI and associated interfaces: [FRU] Platform Management FRU Information Storage Definition v1.0, 1999 Intel Corporation, Hewlett Packard Company, NEC Corporation, and Dell Computer Corporation. Provides the field definitions and format of Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) information. [I2C] The I2C Bus And How To Use It
2022-06-24 19:07:34 717KB DCMI IPMI BMC OpenBMC
2022-06-24 14:06:24 4.13MB ov13850
HC-08 蓝牙串口通信模块是新一代的基于 Bluetooth Specification V4.0 BLE 蓝牙协议的数传模块。无线工作频段为 2.4GHz ISM,调制方式是 GFSK。模块最大发射功率为 4dBm,接收灵敏度-93dBm,空旷环境下和 iphone4s 可以实现 80 米超远距离通信。模块大小 26.9mm×13mm×2.2mm,集成了邮票封装孔和排针焊接孔,既可以贴片封装,也又可以焊接排针,很方便嵌入应用系统之内。自带 LED 状态指示灯,可直观判断蓝牙的连接状态。
2022-06-23 22:00:59 4.49MB BLE 蓝牙串口通信模块 HC-08 数传模块
Low Power的业界专著,主要介绍了power model,power分析,基本的Low power手段,后端的低功耗实现方式以及UPF/CPF的语法。
2022-06-21 23:49:35 4.05MB IC Low Power Design
sdio Simplified Specification,对于写sdio wifi 驱动程序的人来说很有帮助!!
2022-06-21 19:16:04 388KB SDIO Specification Simplified
PCI Express Card Electromechanical Specification Revision 2.0
2022-06-20 14:00:29 1.07MB 标准规范
CSharp Language Specification(English)最新英文版的C#语言规范,微软在创造C#语言时对其的定义解释,是学习C#最权威的资料。下面是文档中对于C#的一段解释: C# (pronounced "SeeSharp") is a simple, modern, object-oriented,and type-safe programming language. C# has its roots in the C family of languages and will beimmediately familiar to C, C++,and Java programmers. C# is standardized by ECMA International as theECMA-334 standard and by ISO/IEC as theISO/IEC 23270 standard. Microsoft's C# compiler for the.NET Framework is a conforming implementation of both of thesestandards.
2022-06-16 16:18:41 3.02MB C# 官方文档 规范说明 编程
This document contains the formal specifications of the protocol, electrical, and mechanical features of the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 3.0, as the production version effective August 12, 2002. The PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.3, issued March 29, 2001, is not superseded by this specification but will remain in force (supporting systems with 5 volt keyed PCI connectors) until such time as the PCI-SIG Board of Directors determines that it will no longer be supported.
2022-06-15 10:36:37 2.96MB PCI
汽车电子行业专业技术文档,OSEK/VDX的Specification的所有资料文档,英文 OSEK,是指德国的汽车电子类开放系统和对应接口标准(open systems and the corresponding interfaces for automotive electronics),而VDX则是汽车分布式执行标准(vehicle distributed executive),后者最初是由法国独自发起的,后来加入了OSEK团体。两者的名字都反映出OSEK/VDX的目的是为汽车电子制定标准化接口。
2022-06-14 19:05:58 3.68MB OSEK
GNU grub multiboot2规范英文原版,看这种资料原版的是最好的。对于想要做一些grub multiboot启动研究的朋友会比较有帮助。目前我在做OS实战,参考这个规范做一个小型的kernel用来启动,可以理解清楚每个字段的含义。
2022-06-13 19:01:50 225KB grub multiboot boot os