软件定义网络中的链接状态路由 创建一个模拟软件定义的网络并运行成本最低的路径Dijkstra的算法。 内容 描述 该项目旨在在小型自助流量网络上使用OpenFlow模拟SDN LSRouting和数据传递。 TestNet-用于使用实现OpenFlow协议的交换机创建和测试软件定义的网络。 网络是使用自定义拓扑预设创建的,其中每个交换机到交换机的链路都分配有权重。 LSRouting-使用Dijkstra的成本最低的路径算法执行链路状态路由。 该算法的结果用于配置网络中每个交换机中的流表条目。 安装指南 克隆存储库,在VM上安装Python软件包,然后运行run.py脚本。 查看详细的。
2021-05-06 16:58:28 1010KB python shell networking simulation
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computer networking 4 edition 课后答案
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Linux Kernel Networking takes you on a guided in-depth tour of the current Linux networking implementation and the theory behind it. Linux kernel networking is a complex topic, so the book won't burden you with topics not directly related to networking. This book will also not overload you with cumbersome line-by-line code walkthroughs not directly related to what you're searching for; you'll find just what you need, with in-depth explanations in each chapter and a quick reference at the end of each chapter. Linux Kernel Networking is the only up-to-date reference guide to understanding how networking is implemented in the latest version of the Linux kernel, and it will be indispensable in years to come since so many devices now use Linux or operating systems based on Linux, like Android, and since Linux is so prevalent in the datacenter arena, including Linux-based virtualization technologies like Xen. What you'll learn * Kernel networking basics, including socket buffers * How key protocols like ICMP are implemented * In-depth looks at both IPv4 and IPv6 * Everything you need to know about Linux routing * How netfilter and IPsec are implemented * Linux wireless networking * Additional topics like Infiniband, BlueZ, the Android API, and network monitoring Who this book is for Software developers and architects, project managers, CTOs, network admins and architects, network security professionals, computer science researchers, and Linux kernel hackers. A basic knowledge of C and networking is required; basic knowledge of the Linux kernel is helpful but not mandatory.
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思科视觉网络指数:预测与趋势 2017-2022 This forecast is part of the Cisco® Visual Networking Index™ (Cisco VNI™), an ongoing initiative to track and forecast the impact of visual networking applications. This document presents the details of the Cisco VNI global IP traffic forecast, key trends and the underlying methodology. For more global, regional and select country-level projections, refer to the VNI Forecast Highlights tool.
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