2022-01-06 11:09:53 4.83MB unity text mesh
Mega-Fiers 3.36 This extension requires one license per seat Requires Unity 3.5.0 or higher. A complete Mesh deformation, animation and Morphing system including over 50 modifiers such as Bend, Twist, FFD, Displace, Taper. They can be stacked in any combination and any number of modifiers can be applied to a mesh to achieve complex results. Objects can stretch, squash, morph or be bent over of deformed, whatever your imagination allows. The morph system is the most advanced available for Unity. Recent additions to the suite include Point Cache animation support, a physics based rope system and a dynamic water ripple and floating object system. MegaFiers is written in C# and all source code is included, also it makes use of multiple CPU's for amazing performance and works on all platforms and with the Free version of Unity. Compatible with Unity 3, 4, 5, 2017 and 2018 and works on IOS and Android and all other Unity platforms.
2021-12-30 14:05:02 30.76MB unity C#
2021-12-29 17:53:30 1.6MB unity3d mesh 合并mesh网格 SuperLevelOptimi
2021-12-29 12:02:38 2.57MB Unity Mesh 捏脸
Mesh无线自组网 单兵协同系统解决方案 由多个移动通信终端不依赖任何基础通信设施构建通信网络 可以临时、动态、快速构建一个多跳路由中继的对等分布式无线IP网络 具有无中心、自组织、自恢复、高抗毁等优点。 通过节点续传功能,可以极大的延伸通信距离,应对复杂通信环境。
2021-12-29 11:46:40 4.12MB MESH单兵自组网
unity 快速曲线Mesh生成插件,适用于 2D 和 3D,实现了2D和3D的碰撞
2021-12-29 11:06:18 881KB CurvyRoadCreat Mesh曲线生成 Mesh路径
是IEEE发布的802.11s的官方文档 The wireless local area network standard IEEE 802.11 is the preferred solution for lowcost data services. Key to its success are the 2.4 and 5 GHz unlicensed bands. The transmit power limitations imposed due to regulatory requirements limit the range (coverage) that can be achieved by WLANs in these bands. However, the demand for “larger” wireless infrastructure is emerging, ranging from office/university campuses to city-wide deployments. To overcome the limitations of singlehop communication, data packets need to traverse over multiple wireless hops, and wireless mesh networks are called for. Since 2004 Task Group S has been developing an amendment to the 802.11 standard to exactly address the aforementioned need for multihop communication. Besides introducing wireless frame forwarding and routing capabilities at the MAC layer, the 802.11s amendment brings new interworking and security. In this article, we provide insights into the latest developments in 802.11s and explain how the overall mesh concept fits into the 802 set of networking standards.
2021-12-26 20:25:36 308KB 802.11s mesh
包含文件: 1.一种基于AntNet改进地QoS路由算法.pdf 2.实验源码(c++;tcl等源码) 3.仿真实验的完全实验;
2020年Mesh Baker v3.26.0最新版本 2020年Mesh Baker v3.26.0最新版本.zip
2021-12-21 15:12:35 55.09MB 2020年MeshBaker MeshBakerv3.26 .unitypackage
无线Mesh网络架构及发展现状研究,李曦,,本文介绍了无线Mesh网络的自身特点、组网结构及其与移动Ad hoc网络和蜂窝网络的异同,重点论述了无线Mesh网络中路由协议的特点及分类�