本文提出了一种新型的两阶段集成方案集成反向传播(TP-ES-BP)算法,可以大大减轻标准BP(SBP)算法的局部极小问题,并克服了单个成分BP在分类性能上的局限性通过集成Ensemble方法。 三组模拟实验的经验和t检验结果,包括ORL人脸图像数据库上的人脸识别任务以及从机器学习数据库的UCI存储库中抽取的数据集上的四个基准分类任务,表明TP-ES-BP算法取得了显著成效与SBP和最新的情绪反向传播(EmBP)学习算法相比,识别结果更好,泛化性能更高。
2021-03-14 10:06:11 2MB Standard backpropagation (SBP); Local
2021-03-02 21:06:08 51KB JavaScript
基于密度剔除噪声点和异常数据 局部离群因子 表示点p的邻域点Nk(p)Nk(p)的局部可达密度与点p的局部可达密度之比的平均数。 如果这个比值越接近1,说明p的其邻域点密度差不多,p可能和邻域同属一簇;如果这个比值越小于1,说明p的密度高于其邻域点密度,p为密集点;如果这个比值越大于1,说明p的密度小于其邻域点密度,p越可能是异常点。
2021-03-02 20:32:02 2KB 离群点
An infrared image detail enhancement method based on local adaptive gamma correction (LAGC) is proposed. The local adaptive gamma values are designed based on the Weber curve to enhance effectively the image details. Subsequently, the active grayscale range of the image processed by LAGC is further extended by using our proposed histogram statistical stretching. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm could considerably increase the image details and improve the contrast of the
2021-02-25 20:04:38 9.37MB 论文
鉴于CUDA下载速度慢且可能存在网络问题,故提供百度盘帮助下载(含cuda toolkit和对应的cudnn)。
2021-02-23 18:30:36 147B cuda cudnn 百度盘下载
最便宜的一个分数了,万一有人会给点资源呢,亲测可以用,并且配套cudnn7,这个网上应该好找些,不同的网络,在官网上下载经常会中途断掉,我试了好久,找到了一个网络才下载下来的~具体的版本可以看看适不适合~ 另外加上了cuda9.2 win7
2021-02-22 14:59:00 164B cuda win7 local cuda9
Background: Recent advances in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) techniques make it possible to reconstruct contrast-defined visual images from brain activity. In this manner, the stimulus images are represented as the weighted sum of a set of element images with different scales. The con
2021-02-22 14:05:47 1.43MB Multi-scale local image decoder;
Traditional routing schemes, such as OSPF, optimize data plane routing e±ciency by maintaining full view of the network at the control plane. However, maintaining full network view and handling frequent routing information updates are costly in large-scale complex networks, which are considered to be the root causes for the routing scalability issue. Recently, it is suggested that routing on local or partial information is plausible if slight performance degradatio
2021-02-21 09:07:45 919KB routing scale-free networks complex
经典论文《A Local Contrast Method for Small Infrared Target Detection》提出的局部对比度图算法LCM(Local Contrast Method)的代码,自己调试通过,只需要改一下路径就可以直接运行。觉得好用请点赞
2021-02-18 16:48:21 44KB LCM 红外小目标探测 A Local
Application of the local fractional series expansion method and the variational iteration method to the Helmholtz equation involving local fractional derivative operators
2021-02-09 09:06:48 2.75MB 研究论文