瓶颈变压器-火炬 在Pytorch中,在性能-计算权衡方面优于EfficientNet和DeiT的卷积(SotA)视觉识别模型的卷积+注意实现 安装 $ pip install bottleneck-transformer-pytorch 用法 import torch from torch import nn from bottleneck_transformer_pytorch import BottleStack layer = BottleStack ( dim = 256 , # channels in fmap_size = 64 , # feature map size dim_out = 2048 , # channels out proj_factor = 4 , #
《MATLAB 智能算法30 个案例分析(第2 版)》(ISBN 978‐7‐5124‐1411‐2)一书的配套光盘,内容包含书中各个章节(案例)的MATLAB 源码。
2021-07-16 18:13:18 2.29MB MATLAB intelligence
2021-07-16 16:30:50 9.98MB Javascript artificial-intelligence tensorflow
中文版电子书 + 英文版电子书 + 源代码 本书以机器学习与计算统计为主题背景,专门讲述如何挖掘和分析Web上的数据和资源,如何分析用户体验、市场营销、个人品味等诸多信息,并得出有用的结论,通过复杂的算法来从Web网站获取、收集并分析用户的数据和反馈信息,以便创造新的用户价值和商业价值。
人工智能导论 我们期末考试的题型主要包括了选择、填空、判断、问答、证明等题型。大家复习的时候需要多理解老师们在课上讲的关于传统人工智能、博弈论、新人工智能的部分中的示例,不需要死记硬背一些概念。其中博弈论部分复习要点为: 1.基本概念 博弈 占优策略 纳什均衡 (混合)策略 囚徒困境 2.对抗算法基本原理 minimax 算法 alpha-beta 剪枝 蒙特卡洛树搜索算法 求star:red_heart::two_hearts::sparkling_heart::face_blowing_a_kiss: 人工智能的概念 定义 智能机器 能够在各类环境中自主地或交互地执行各种拟人任务(anthropomorphic tasks)的机器。 定义 1 人工智能 AI 是关于知识的科学,怎样表示知识以及怎样获得知识并使用知识的科学。(Nilsson) AI 就是研究如何使计算机做过去只有人才能做的智能工作。(Winston) 定义 2 人工智能(学科) 人工智能(学科)是计算机科学中涉及研究、设计和应用智能
2021-07-13 14:01:49 20.7MB notes artificial-intelligence HTML
Cognos® 8 Business Intelligence(METRIC STUDIO 用户指南)
2021-07-10 17:33:51 1.34MB METRIC STUDIO 用户指南
Open Source Intelligence Methods and Tools focuses on building a deep understanding of how to exploit open source intelligence (OSINT) techniques, methods, and tools to acquire information from publicly available online sources to support intelligence analysis. The harvested data can be used in different scenarios such as financial, crime, and terrorism investigations as well as in more regular tasks such as analyzing business competitors, running background checks, and acquiring intelligence about individuals and other entities. This book will also improve your skills in acquiring information online from the surface web, the deep web, and the darknet. Many estimates show that 90 percent of useful information acquired by intelligence services comes from public sources (in other words, OSINT sources). Social media sites open up numerous opportunities for investigations because of the vast amount of useful information located in one place. For example, you can get a great deal of personal information about any person worldwide by just checking their Facebook page. This book will show you how to conduct advanced social media investigations to access content believed to be private, use advanced search engines queries to return accurate results, search historical deleted versions of websites, track individuals online using public record databases and people-searching tools, locate information buried in the deep web, access and navigate the dark web, collect intelligence from the dark web, view multiple historic satellite images and street views of any location, search geolocation information within popular social media sites, and more. In short, you will learn how to use a plethora of techniques, tools, and free online services to gather intelligence about any target online. OSINT-gathering activities should be conducted secretly to avoid revealing the searcher’s identity. Therefore, this book will teach you how to conceal your digital identity and become anonymous on
2021-07-09 15:27:35 10.08MB Intelligence
We call ourselves Homo sapiens—man the wise—because our intelligence is so important to us. For thousands of years, we have tried to understand how we think; that is, how a mere handful of matter can perceive, understand, predict, and manipulate a world far larger and more complicated than itself. The field of artificial intelligence, or AI, goes further still: it attempts not just to understand but also to build intelligent entities.
2021-07-07 14:10:25 13.68MB AI
2021-06-26 14:42:01 30.96MB AI
2021-06-25 15:51:36 17.45MB 人工智能 A