FC-FS-4协议 This is t11 document T11/14-018V3 Project T11/2238-D Rev 1.10 f Incorporated T11/12-106v0 with Option 2 Corrections to FC-FS-4 for Dr. Alexandrov"(approved by work group 16 April 2012) g)Incorporated T1112-047v1Corrections to FC-FS-4 for T11710-427(approved by work group 16 April 2012 h)Removed double spaces throughout document
2021-07-06 09:17:26 2.87MB FC-FS-4
2021-07-03 18:24:46 536KB Arduin YGC_FS
AlphaControls V7.59 Full Source Installation notes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following compilers are supported by the AlphaControls: Delphi 5/6/7 Delphi 2005/2006/2007/2009/2010/XE/XE2 C++ Builder 6/2006/2007/2009/2010/XE/XE2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have a previous version of the AlphaControls installed, you must remove it completely before installing this version. To remove a previous installation, proceed as follows. To remove the AlphaControls: 1. Close the IDE 2. Browse to the folder where your bpl and dcp files are located (default is $(DELPHI)\Projects\Bpl for Delphi, $(BCB)\Projects\Bpl for C++ Builder). 3. Delete all of the files related to AlphaControls (acnt*.*) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install for Delphi : 1. Start by unpacking the acnt*.zip files into a folder of your own choice. 2. This directory must be registered in system search path. And add, (if need) AlphaControls directory in Delphi (Tools->Environment Options->Library->Library Path). 3. Use "File\Open..." menu item of Delphi IDE to open the AlphaControls run-time package acntX_r.dpk (x - version of Delphi). In the "Package..." window click "Compile" button to compile run-time library. 4. Use "File\Open..." menu item of Delphi IDE to open the AlphaControls design-time package acntX.dpk. In the "Package..." window click "Install" button to install the library. 5. DB-aware components users can install AlphaDB pack by copying AlphaDB files to AlphaControls directory and AlphaDB.dpk file installing. Install for C++ Builder : 1. Start by unpacking the acnt*.zip files into a folder of your own choice. 2. This directory must be registered in system search path. And add (if need) AlphaControls directory in C++ Builder paths and projects Include & Library paths. 3. Open acnt*_R.bpk file or acnt*_R.cbproj
2021-07-03 18:10:10 5.84MB FS BCB XE 2010
小雉系统升级包-3.164.196,增加自定义相机控制功能,详细信息请访问: http://www.feitianzhi.com/boke/index.php/ziyuanxiazai.html
2021-07-02 14:01:20 163.78MB 小雉系统升级包
用于特征选择的粒子群优化 运行算法: 步骤 1:运行 PSO.m 文件 您可以使用您选择的数据集和 SVM 分类器替换数据集和 SVM 分类器。 如果您发现错误,请给我们发电子邮件。 Sadegh Salesi sadegh.salesi@my.ntu.ac.uk Georgina Cosma 博士 georgina.cosma@ntu.ac.uk 参考:S. Salesi 和 G. Cosma,“一种用于特征选择的新型扩展二进制布谷鸟搜索算法”,2017 年第二届知识工程与应用国际会议 (ICKEA),伦敦,2017 年,第 6-12 页。 doi:10.1109/ICKEA.2017.8169893 网址: http : //ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=8169893&isnumber=8169886
2021-06-28 15:44:37 9.57MB matlab
Teradata 最新的FS-LDM模型V10.0版本的参考手册 第一册
2021-06-24 19:10:10 3.38MB Teradata FS-LDM
teradata 银行数据仓库基础数据模型 10大主题域
2021-06-24 18:49:23 272KB teradata 银行 数据仓库 数据模型
2021-06-24 18:37:16 1.36MB 银行商业模型
京瓷fs1120mfp驱动是京瓷Kyocera ECOSYS FS-1120MFP黑白激光四合一体机驱动,包含打印和扫描驱动程序,支持Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1等系统,欢迎下载使用。ECOSYS FS-1120MFP一体机介绍打印,复印,扫描,传真四合一。每分钟20页打印/复印速度。64MB内,欢迎下载体验
2021-06-24 16:29:49 122.9MB 京瓷 打印机驱动 京瓷Kyocera ECOSYS
2021-06-24 16:27:06 29.08MB 一体机驱动 京瓷 京瓷Kyocera ECOSYS