1987年有关通信和计算机的Open Problems的会议录。
2021-11-16 17:45:13 1.21MB djvu procedings
点矩阵显示器是以16x32模式连接的LED矩阵。 我们可以使用蓝牙通过移动设备将消息无线传输到DMD。
2021-11-15 21:46:08 297KB wireless communication
MATLAB/Simulink for Digital Communication,很好的一本书,也是很有参考价值的matlab英文书,Won Y. Yang等编写的,这是2009版的书中的部分内容,不全,也有参考价值,可以学习。内容为CHAPTER 7: BANDPASS DIGITAL TRANSMISSION、CHAPTER 9: INFORMATION AND CODING和CHAPTER 11: OFDM SYSTEM中的部分内容。有书签,文字版。
2021-11-15 11:25:40 1.15MB Matlab simulink Digital Communic
2021-11-14 20:24:00 265KB communication serial communication
2021-11-13 15:17:58 3.42MB communication
无线通信类不错的学习材料 This book has grown out of my teaching and research at the University of Surrey and out of my previous experiences in companies such as Philips, Ascom and Motorola. It is primarily intended for use by students in master’s level and enhanced final-year undergraduate courses who are specialising in communication systems and wish to understand the principles and current practices of the wireless communication channel, including both antenna and propagation aspects. I have therefore included examples and problems in each chapter to reinforce the material described and to show how they are applied in specific situations. Additionally, much of the material has been used as parts of short courses run for many of the leading industrial companies in the field, so I hope that it may also be of interest to those who have a professional interest in the subject. Although there are several excellent books which cover portions of this material and which go deeper in some areas, my main motivation has been to create a book which covers the range of disciplines, from electromagnetics to statistics, which are necessary in order to understand the implications of the wireless channel on system performance. I have also attempted to bring together reference material which is useful in this field into a single, accessible volume, including a few previously unpublished research results.
2021-11-11 07:15:50 13.72MB 无线通信 传播
2021-11-10 17:44:29 265KB communication serial communication
2021-11-10 13:28:23 2.04MB Agilent 34401 communication
经典书籍Principles of Communication Engineering
2021-11-09 21:06:08 15.47MB 通信工程原则
2021-11-09 16:18:19 1.6MB IEEE Lyapunov 网络优化