Table of Contents Unit 0 - GETTING STARTED Chapter 1. Get Ready, Get Set, Go Unit 1 - IMPERATIVE PROGRAMMING Chapter 1. A Glorified Calculator Chapter 2. Loops And Branches Chapter 3. Variable Scope Chapter 4. Capstone: Ticket To Mars Unit 2 - TYPES Chapter 1. Real Numbers Chapter 2. Whole Numbers Chapter 3. Big Numbers Chapter 4. Multilingual Text Chapter 5. Converting Between Types Chapter 6. Capstone: The Vigenère Cipher Unit 3 - BUILDING BLOCKS Chapter 1. Functions Chapter 2. Methods Chapter 3. First-Class Functions Chapter 4. Capstone: Temperature Tables Unit 4 - COLLECTIONS Chapter 1. Arrayed In Splendor Chapter 2. Slices: Windows Into Arrays Chapter 3. A Bigger Slice Chapter 4. The Ever-Versatile Map Chapter 5. Capstone: A Slice Of Life Unit 5 - STATE AND BEHAVIOR Chapter 1. A Little Structure Chapter 2. Go'S Got No Class Chapter 3. Composition And Forwarding Chapter 4. Interfaces Chapter 5. Capstone: Martian Animal Sanctuary Unit 6 - DOWN THE GOPHER HOLE Chapter 1. A Few Pointers Chapter 2. Much Ado About Nil Chapter 3. To Err Is Human Chapter 4. Capstone: Sudoku Rules Unit 7 - CONCURRENT PROGRAMMING Chapter 1. Goroutines And Concurrency Chapter 2. Concurrent State Chapter 3. Capstone: Life On Mars
2023-02-28 20:08:56 10.21MB Golang
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2023-02-26 13:07:53 13.06MB 面试
When it comes to game programming, C++ is the name of the game. If you aspire to move from game player to game creator, it all starts with learning the fundamentals of C++ and game-programming basics. With BEGINNING C++ THROUGH GAME PROGRAMMING, FOURTH EDITION, you will find an up-to-date and thorough introduction to everything you need to get started--with no previous programming experience required. In the new fourth edition of this popular guide to learning C++, you will work with a complete program while learning each new concept and a game program at the end of each chapter. A final game project at the end of the book draws together everything you've learned. Written with the beginning programmer in mind, BEGINNING C++ THROUGH GAME PROGRAMMING, FOURTH EDITION is a great way to get started in game programming. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Types, Variables, and Standard I/O: Lost Fortune Chapter 2 Truth, Branching, and the Game Loop: Guess My Number Chapter 3 for Loops, Strings, and Arrays: Word Jumble Chapter 4 The Standard Template Library: Hangman Chapter 5 Functions: Mad Lib Chapter 6 References: Tic-Tac-Toe Chapter 7 Pointers: Tic-Tac-Toe 2.0 Chapter 8 Classes: Critter Caretaker Chapter 9 Advanced Classes and Dynamic Memory: Game Lobby Chapter 10 Inheritance and Polymorphism: Blackjack Appendix A Creating Your First C++ Program Appendix B Operator Precedence Appendix C Keywords Appendix D ASCII Chart Appendix E Escape Sequences
2023-02-25 23:02:44 8.88MB C++ Game Programming
Beginning C++ Game Programming 英文无水印pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2023-02-25 22:59:11 24.66MB Beginning C++ Game Programming
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泰利纳 Tellina 使用自然语言处理 (NLP) 将英语句子(例如“在当前文件夹中查找文本文件”)翻译成 bash 命令,例如find . -name "*.txt" find . -name "*.txt" 。 您现在可以在尝试一下。 或者,您可以在本地安装它; 这份文件告诉你如何。 安装 安装 TensorFlow Tellina 使用 Tensorflow 2.0。 按照上的说明进行。 最简单的方法是使用安装。 安装其他依赖: pip3 install -r requirements.txt 设置tellina_learning_module子模块: git submodule update --init --remote git submodule foreach git pull origin master make submodule 要在未来更新tellin
CUDA(Compute Unified Device Architecture),是显卡厂商NVIDIA推出的运算平台。 CUDA™是一种由NVIDIA推出的通用并行计算架构,该架构使GPU能够解决复杂的计算问题。 它包含了CUDA指令集架构(ISA)以及GPU内部的并行计算引擎。 开发人员现在可以使用C语言来为CUDA™架构编写程序,C语言是应用最广泛的一种高级编程语言。所编写出的程序于是就可以在支持CUDA™的处理器上以超高性能运行。CUDA3.0已经开始支持C++和FORTRAN。
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HANDBOOK OF SEMIDEFINITE PROGRAMMING Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
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