Python How to Program, 1/e Table of Contents 1. Introduction to Computers, Internet and the World Wide Web. 2. Introduction to Python Programming. 3. Control Structures. 4. Functions. 5. Tuples, Lists, and Dictionaries. 6. Introduction to the Common Gateway Interface (CGI). 7. Object-Based Programming: Classes and Data Abstraction. 8. Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance and Polymorphism. 9. Operator Overloading. 10. Graphical User Interface Components: Part 1. 11. Graphical User Interface Components: Part 2. 12. Exception Handling. 13. Strings Manipulation and Regular Expressions. 14. File Processing and Serialization. 15. Extensible Markup Language (XML). 16. Python XML Processing. 17. Python Database Application Programming Interface (DB-API). 18. Process Management. 19. Multithreading. 20. Networking. 21. Security. 22. Data Structures. 23. Case Study: Multi-Tier Online Bookstore. 24. Multimedia. 25. Accessibility. 26. Bonus: Introduction to XHMTL: Part I. 27. Bonus: Introduction to XHTML: Part II. 28. Bonus: Cascading Style Sheets™ (CSS). 29. Bonus: Introduction to PHP. Appendix A. Operator Precedence Chart. Appendix B. ASCII Character Set. Appendix C. Number System
2021-09-01 17:06:08 24.97MB Python Program
C++ How to Program 第9版和第10版,英文版。随便看看吧。
2021-08-25 18:59:47 28.63MB C++ How to Program
matlab盲源代码CAMNS_program 盲源分离的演示代码(在 Matlab 中) 假设线性瞬时混合。 用法 代码用于 matlab\octave。 因此,请确保在运行代码之前安装它。 只需阅读CAMNS_LP.m文件即可了解如何使用CAMNS_LP(X,N)函数。
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Principles of program analysis
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Problem Solving and Program Design in C is one of the best-selling introductory programming textbooks using the C programming language. It embraces a balanced approach to program development and an introduction to ANSI C. The book provides a gradual introduction to pointers and covers programming with functions early in the text. In later chapters, students learn to implement fundamental data structures such as lists, stacks, queues, and trees in a language that fosters their understanding of stack- and heap-dynamic memory allocation and programmer-controlled pointers. To enhance students’ learning experience it offers the right amount of pedagogical features that include end-of-section and chapter exercises, examples and case studies, syntax and program style display boxes, error discussions and end-of-chapter projects.  ,解压密码 share.weimo.info
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C++how to programd 中文版,其中包括课后习题代码答案。
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Java How to Program 11th edition英文版, 由EPUB转换而成, , 无密码保护,可复制文字 by Paul J. Deitel (Author), Harvey Deitel (Author)
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advanced linux shell program
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