清华大学 林闯 计算机网络和计算机系统的性能评价pdf版
C++设计模式 PDF版 清晰,C++设计模式 PDF版 清晰,C++设计模式 PDF版 清晰,C++设计模式 PDF版 清晰,C++设计模式 PDF版 清晰,C++设计模式 PDF版 清晰
2022-04-01 22:06:12 7.56MB C++设计模式 PDF版 清晰
  本书选取了利用Delphi 7开发的控件方面有代表性的100个编程实例。这些实例按照完成功能可划分为窗口与界面,图形处理,多媒体,网络,数据库与报表,系统、文件及其他控件等几方面的内容,涵盖了Delphi7控件应用开发的主要方面。   实用是本书的最大特色,本书大部分实例功能强大、效果新颖,实用性很强,可以帮助读者快速掌握控件应用开发技术,另外部分实例侧重于帮助读者理解Delphi 7控件应用开发的基本概念、重点和难点。 本书适合掌握Delphi 7基本编程技术的读者阅读。
2022-04-01 15:55:59 47.99MB Delphi 编程
Smith圆图 pdf A4打印版 微波工程学习中可以用到
2022-03-28 10:51:58 55KB Smith圆图 pdf 打印版
本书包括Python程序设计的方方面面,首先从Python的安装开始,随后介绍了Python的基础知识和基本概念,包括列表、元组、字符串、字典以及各种语句。然后循序渐进地介绍了一些相对高级的主题,包括抽象、异常、魔法方法、属性、迭代器。此后探讨了如何将Python与数据库、网络、C语言等工具结合使用,从而发挥出Python的强大功能,同时介绍了Python程序测试、打包、发布等知识。最后,作者结合前面讲述的内容,按照实际项目开发的步骤向读者介绍了几个具有实际意义的 Python项目的开发过程。   本书内容涉及的范围较广,既能为初学者夯实基础,又能帮助程序员提升技能,适合各个层次的Python开发人员阅读参考。
2022-03-27 22:16:24 30.27MB python
The title of the book says it all: JavaFX 2.0 Introduction by Example. In this book, you will be learning the new JavaFX 2.0 capabilities by following practical recipe examples. These recipes will, in turn, provide you with the knowledge needed to create your own rich client applications. In the same tone with Java’s mantra “Write once, run anywhere,” JavaFX also preserves this same sentiment. Because JavaFX 2.0 is written entirely in Java the language, you will feel right at home. Most of the recipes can be compiled and run under Java 6. However, some recipes will take advantage of Java 7’s language enhancements, so Java 7 will be required. While working through this book with JavaFX 2.0 and Java 7, you will realize that the new APIs and language enhancements will help you to become a more productive developer. Having said this, I encourage you to explore all of Java 7’s new capabilities. To delve deeper into the new capabilities of Java 7, I recommend the book, Java 7 Recipes. On an added note, the recipes in this book can also be found in Java 7 Recipes. This book covers JavaFX 2.0’s fundamentals, graphics and animations, audio and video, and the Web. The fundamentals include how to install prerequisite software (JavaFX 2.0, NetBeans 7.1) and create simple user interfaces. You will also learn the basics of the scene graph, text nodes and font styles, shapes, colors, layouts, menus, UI controls, simple styling (CSS styling), binding expressions, background processes, keyboard shortcuts, and dialog boxes. Next, in graphics and animations you will encounter image handling, drag-and-drop operations, animation APIs, and UI theming (Look ‘n’ Feel). After graphics and animations, you will learn audio and video. This section will include creating an MP3 player, using a video player, responding to media events, handling media marker events, and synchronizing an animation with media events. Finally, you will be using JavaFX 2.0 to interoperate with web technologies such as HTML5, JavaScript, and XML. In this section, you will be learning how to embed JavaFX into a web page, rendering and dynamically manipulating HTML5 content, creating a weather application to respond to HTML events, and creating an RSS feed application using an embedded database (Derby).
2022-03-26 09:19:55 35.61MB JavaFX
2022-03-25 11:01:11 15.47MB PMBOK
《C语言标准库函数》pdf版 为方便读者,它以函数名首字母的先后顺序排列,而且介绍了与每个函数相关的其他函数……
2022-03-24 23:07:00 386KB C 函数
数据结构教程(第5版)李春葆 课后习题及答案(PDF版)-附件资源
2022-03-24 16:13:19 23B