300-series-chipset-on-package-pch-datasheet-vol-2 intel 300 系芯片组文档 卷2
2022-08-19 16:01:11 11.2MB chipset
Microsoft Edge浏览器功能很全面,不仅内置微软Contana,可以为用户带来更多人xing化的服务,而且Microsoft Edge浏览器还有着支持插件扩展、网页阅读注释等特色功能,为用户带来高效便捷的网页浏览体验。 Edge for macOS还支持guest客人使用模式,该模式下浏览器不会保存用户浏览历史记录、下载记录以及Cookies和网站的其他数据。
2022-08-18 10:00:40 191.78MB Edge Mac
Intel 7代CPUwin7核心显卡驱动 win10降级win7核心显卡驱动 亲测
2022-08-14 09:01:20 104.2MB 显卡驱动核显英特尔
Intel(R) Turbo boost technology Driver 32位和64位系統都可以安裝... 真省事
2022-08-12 17:33:06 2.87MB Intel(R) Turbo boost technology
祖鲁达 ZLUDA是Intel GPU上CUDA的直接替代产品。 ZLUDA允许使用性能接近自然的Intel GPU运行未经修改的CUDA应用程序(详情请参见下文)。 它可与当前集成的英特尔UHD GPU配合使用,并将与未来的Intel Xe GPU配合使用 性能 ZLUDA性能已通过Intel UHD 630上的GeekBench 5.2.3进行了测量。 一种测量是使用OpenCL完成的,另一种测量是使用CUDA进行的,而Intel GPU在ZLUDA的帮助下伪装成(相对较慢的)NVIDIA GPU。 两种测量都使用相同的GPU。 以下性能已标准化为OpenCL性能。 110%意味着ZLU
2022-08-07 13:34:58 954KB rust cuda intel-gpu RustC++
intel graphics profiler Analyzer
2022-08-04 18:07:02 157.34MB unity
This document describes the external architecture (including device operation, pin descriptions, register definitions, etc.) for the 82599, a dual 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) Network Interface Controller. This document is intended as a reference for logical design group, architecture validation, firmware development, software device driver developers, board designers, test engineers, or anyone else who may need specific technical or programming information about the 82599.
2022-08-04 12:30:24 7.66MB 82599;intel;
用于windows环境下在Visual Studio中创建sgx程序(Enclave项目),在可信环境中运行代码。
2022-07-28 18:26:03 418.2MB windows 源码软件
DISCLAIMER Intel makes no representation or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Further, Intel reserves the right to revise this publication from time to time in the content hereof without obligation of Intel to notify any person of such revision or changes. The publication of this specification should not be construed as a commitment on Intel's part to implement any product.
2022-07-28 09:51:51 20KB Hex
2022-07-22 22:00:45 47.23MB