2022-03-01 17:14:49 525KB EmguCV Fast Harris Orb
2022-02-24 12:18:21 265KB 算法分析
Fast and Secure Gateway to Internet Freedom
2022-02-15 16:20:11 399KB fg680p
M AUDIO FAST TRACK PRO声卡的驱动 很稳定的让硬件设备工作很稳定,大家下载使用吧。
2022-02-11 00:09:27 7.63MB M AUDIO FAST TRACK
快速变形金刚 变压器是非常成功的模型,可以在许多自然语言任务中达到最先进的性能。但是,由于自我注意的二次缩放,很难将它们缩放为长序列。 该库是为我们对变压器快速关注的研究而开发的。您可以找到我们的论文清单,以及相关的论文和已实施的论文。 快速开始 以下代码构建了一个具有softmax注意和一个线性注意的变压器,并比较了每个变压器编码1000个元素所需的时间。 import torch from fast_transformers . builders import TransformerEncoderBuilder # Create the builder for our transformers builder = TransformerEncoderBuilder . from_kwargs ( n_layers = 8 , n_heads = 8 , que
2022-02-07 10:18:28 212KB Python
Title: Fast Fourier Transform - Algorithms and Applications Author(s): K.R. Rao, D.N. Kim, J.-J. Hwang (auth.) Series: Signals and Communication Technology Publisher: Springer Netherlands Year: 2010 Edition: 1 Language: English Pages (biblio\tech): 426\437 ISBN: 1402066287, 9781402066283 Fast Fourier Transform - Algorithms and Applications presents an introduction to the principles of the fast Fourier transform (FFT). It covers FFTs, frequency domain filtering, and applications to video and audio signal processing. As fields like communications, speech and image processing, and related areas are rapidly developing, the FFT as one of the essential parts in digital signal processing has been widely used. Thus there is a pressing need from instructors and students for a book dealing with the latest FFT topics. Fast Fourier Transform - Algorithms and Applications provides a thorough and detailed explanation of important or up-to-date FFTs. It also has adopted modern approaches like MATLAB examples and projects for better understanding of diverse FFTs. Fast Fourier Transform - Algorithms and Applications is designed for senior undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, engineers, and scientists in the field, and self-learners to understand FFTs and directly apply them to their fields, efficiently. It is designed to be both a text and a reference. Thus examples, projects and problems all tied with MATLAB, are provided for grasping the concepts concretely. It also includes references to books and review papers and lists of applications, hardware/software, and useful websites. By including many figures, tables, bock diagrams and graphs, this book helps the reader understand the concepts of fast algorithms readily and intuitively. It provides new MATLAB functions and MATLAB source codes. The material in Fast Fourier Transform - Algorithms and Applications is presented without assuming any prior knowledge of FFT. This book is for any professional who wants to have a basic understanding of the latest developments in and applications of FFT. It provides a good reference for any engineer planning to work in this field, either in basic implementation or in research and development. Table of contents : Front Matter....Pages i-xviii Introduction....Pages 1-3 Discrete Fourier Transform....Pages 5-40 Fast Algorithms....Pages 41-110 Integer Fast Fourier Transform....Pages 111-126 Two-Dimensional Discrete Fourier Transform....Pages 127-184 Vector-Radix 2D-FFT Algorithms....Pages 185-193 Nonuniform DFT....Pages 195-234 Applications....Pages 235-316 Back Matter....Pages 317-423
2022-01-26 21:29:57 11.84MB Fast Fourier Algorithms K.R.
FCHD 本工程是官方工程的python3版本,重构了部分代码,并训练得到了一个效果不错的模型。 论文地址: 官方工程地址: 安装 Clone git clone https://github.com/embracesource-cv-com/FCHD.git 安装依赖 cd FCHD pip install -r requirements.txt 数据配置 在下载Brainwash数据集,caffe预训练模型,以及人头检测模型 将预训练模型vgg16_caffe.pth放到./checkpoints/pre_trained目录下 将检测模型checkpoint_best.pth放到./checkpoints目录下 将brainwash数据集放到/home/dataset/fchd_datas目录下 当然你可以自定义各个路径,然后在config.py中修改相应的配置 预测 在工程root目
2022-01-21 15:45:00 1.56MB Python
2022-01-20 10:21:00 521KB fast匹配 SIFT算法 fast sift
快速MPC(模型预测控制) 该存储库包含Matlab接口,该接口基于快速模型预测控制,将标准模型预测控制转换为快速模型预测控制。 快速的MPC类使用自定义的不可行的启动Newton求解器进行求解,以揭示MPC的结构。 描述 在传统方法中,解决了MPC问题,并且将第一控制步骤应用于系统,并且下一个积分状态形成了下一个MPC迭代的初始条件。 在这里,MPC的结构可用于加速结果。 当前实现是在时不变的系统动力学(相等约束)下执行的 在哪里, 上述问题转换为以下结构 在哪里, 本文中介绍了矩阵和结构的详细信息。 即将进行的更新将包括非线性快速MPC以及集成商 入门 克隆或下载存储库。 FAST MPC类需要各种输入,说明如下。 Q-状态阶段的费用 R-控制阶段成本 S-状态控制耦合成本 Qf-终端状态费用 q-线性状态成本 r-线性控制成本 qf-终端状态线性成本 x_min-状态
2022-01-17 22:12:01 10KB MATLAB
Blazing fast, easy-to-use alternative to the Blob Shadow Projector. This projector can render lots of blob shadows that fall correctly on any surface while still maintaining high framerate even on mobile devices.
2022-01-15 17:46:06 4.96MB unity fast shadow