flask-restful-login-example 安装 需要Python 3。 有多种方法可以将请求发送到服务器。 邮递员,失眠,cURL,httpie和curl是发送请求的简单而有用的工具。 我最喜欢httpie和curl。 用法如下所示。 将项目和安装要求拉到虚拟环境( )。 然后运行。 $ git clone https://github.com/melihcolpan/flask-restful-login $ cd flask-restful-login $ virtualenv venv $ source venv/bin/activate $ pip instal
2022-09-25 22:31:57 18KB flask register curl sqlite-database
可用于程序内集成Oracle客户端,远程连接Oracle 10g数据库。压缩包包含以下文件: classes12.jar oci.dll ocijdbc10.dll ociw32.dll ojdbc14.jar Oracle.DataAccess.dll orannzsbb10.dll oraocci10.dll oraociei10.dll OraOps11w.dll 其中OraOps11w.dll与Oracle.DataAccess.dll配套,在32位机器上测试通过。
2022-09-25 19:48:57 23.75MB Oracle Database Instant Client
2022-09-25 09:06:59 1.89MB 数据库 database
2022-09-23 22:00:20 314KB dbgrid dbgrid_数据库
Windows Service application. Shows (in source code) how to debug a windows service via #ifdef _DEBUG directive. Also demonstrates updating Oracle and sending email inside a Windows Service
2022-09-23 22:00:14 25KB windows_service inside
2022-09-23 13:00:12 2.52MB back
peakImages.zip - It contains all the peak images of the included facial expression videos ISED_details.mat - It contains the details of the data included in the databas. For easy assess of the database, the paths to all the files are provided here. It also includes the position of face, nose and eyes in the peak frames of each clip. ISED_peak_images.mat - This file contains all the peak intensity images of each video clip
2022-09-22 15:05:34 211.46MB database
proram source create database ssl server.
2022-09-21 09:00:27 16KB creating
sql server jdbc 驱动包
2022-09-20 15:22:23 2.6MB sql 数据库 database
DbVisualizer x64 v13.0.4 全能数据库管理工具