2022-03-10 10:05:38 200.93MB jdk1.8
《SDL Game Development》电子版,Discover how to leverage the power of SDL 2.0 to create awesome games in C++。
2022-03-09 12:13:08 3.38MB SDL 游戏 SDL2
2022-03-04 18:04:50 95KB development hardware
3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development, 2nd Edition
2022-02-26 22:34:59 18.68MB 3D Math Graphics Game
Node.js是一种领先的服务器端编程环境,MongoDB是最流行的NoSQL数据库,而AngularJS正迅速成为基于MVC的前端开发的领先框架。它们结合在一起使得能够完全用JavaScript创建从服务器到客户端浏览器的高性能站点和应用程序。 本书为想要将这3种技术整合到全面的有效解决方案的Web程序员提供了完整指南。它简洁而清晰地介绍了这3种技术,然后迅速转到构建几种常见的Web应用程序上面。 读者将学会使用Node.js和MongoDB来建立更具可扩展性的高性能网站,并利用AngularJS创新的MVC方法构建更有效的网页和应用程序,以及把这三者结合在一起使用,从而提供卓越的下一代Web解决方案。
2022-02-26 09:41:03 15.06MB web development
Linux Kernel Development(3rd) 英文无水印pdf 第3版 pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2022-02-22 10:20:51 2.03MB Linux Kernel Development
Book Description Simulating physics helps cutting-edge games distinguish themselves by making virtual objects behave as we expect them to in the real world. Physics engines are the software programs that run these simulations. Building an engine is difficult, however. There are a large number of new developers (and hobbyists) coming into this market who need help through this complex process. Current introductory books are inadequate; they don't bring enough real-world programming experience to the task. There is a need for an introductory book on game physics with solid coding guidance but which limits the math content. Ian Millington brings his extensive professional programming experience to this problem. He has developed games since 1987, has studied AI and mathematics at the PhD level, and founded Mindlathe Ltd., a company that designed and built commercial physics engines. Physics Engine Development carefully describes each step in the creation of a robust, usable physics engine. It introduces the mathematical concepts in a clear and simple manner, keeping to high school level topics and building a physics code library as it goes. Each new concept is explained in diagrams and code to make sure that even the most novice of game programmers understands. The companion CD-ROM includes the source code for a complete physics engine of commercial quality. This book will serve as a introduction to more mathematically advanced books on game physics, such as Dave Eberly's Game Physics.
2022-02-19 22:14:24 8.44MB 游戏 物理引擎 开发
作者 Robert Love. Linux Kernel Development details the design and implementation of the Linux kernel, presenting the content in a manner that is beneficial to those writing and developing kernel code, as well as to programmers seeking to better understand the operating system and become more efficient and productive in their coding.
2022-02-17 20:10:41 5.21MB Linux Kernel
用户界面 用于本地LXD服务器的简单易用的GUI。 没有依赖! 只需运行自包含的AppImage! 您必须使用> = LXD 2.17 特征: 创建,编辑,启动,重新启动,停止,冻结,解冻和快照容器。 从任何已定义的LXD远程服务器上的映像启动容器,例如: local: , images: , ubuntu: , ubuntu-daily: , production: :。 使用xterm.js终端直接访问容器。 从容器创建图像。 编辑本地图像。 轻松编辑核心LXD设置。 脚本,启动容器并执行部署外壳脚本(不是cloud-init,因此它可用于所有遥控器,并且您可以完全看
2022-02-16 12:19:07 837KB electron linux development ui
使用PyCharm进行动手应用开发 这是Packt发布的进行的代码库。 使用PyCharm中的实用编码技术加速您的Python应用程序 这本书是关于什么的? 如果您是初学者或专业Python用户,希望使用最好的Python IDE之一来提高生产率,那么这本书就适合您。 需要具备Python编程语言的基础知识。 本书涵盖以下激动人心的功能: 探索PyCharm功能以及使其在其他Python IDE中脱颖而出的原因 在PyCharm中设置,配置和自定义Python项目 了解PyCharm如何与Django集成以进行Web开发 探索PyCharm在数据库管理和数据可视化方面的功能 在PyCharm中执行代码自动化,GUI测试和版本控制 集成交互式Python工具(如Jupyter Notebooks)以构建虚拟环境 如果您觉得这本书适合您,请立即获取! 说明和导航 所有代码都组织在文件
2022-02-14 21:03:57 108.77MB Python