截图详细教你破解InstallShield 12,跟着步骤操作即可 有中文教程教你如何使用该软件
2023-07-10 17:02:04 5.51MB InstallShield12 注册机 InstallShield12 序列号
资源内容:该资源是Poi-tl v1.12.1的API文档的中文版压缩包。Poi-tl是一个基于Apache POI的开源Java模板引擎,用于生成Word、Excel等Office文档。该API文档详细介绍了Poi-tl v1.12.1的各个类、方法和用法,包括模板的创建、数据填充、样式设置、图表生成等功能。文档中还提供了丰富的示例代码和详细的解释,方便用户理解和使用Poi-tl进行Office文档的生成和处理。 适合人群:该资源适合那些希望学习和使用Poi-tl的开发人员,包括Java开发人员、Office文档处理人员、模板引擎爱好者等。无论是初学者还是有一定经验的开发人员,都可以通过该API文档了解和掌握Poi-tl的使用方法和技巧。此外,该资源还适合那些需要进行Office文档生成和处理的开发项目,提供了一个方便、高效的解决方案。通过学习和使用Poi-tl,用户可以轻松地实现各种复杂的Office文档生成需求。
2023-07-10 00:07:03 9.72MB 范文/模板/素材 软件/插件 poi 模版生成
2023-07-08 01:47:55 19.78MB 今客CRM客户关系管理系统 v5.0.1.12
2023-07-06 19:53:05 17.19MB stm32
2023-07-05 14:57:45 5.92MB stm32 软件/插件
文件大小限制,统一下载后再进行解压!!! 主要用于开源的桌面GIS应用开发,适合于新手用于了解学习GIs开发的相关知识。其源码由C++进行编写,内容开源,常用于简单的GIS开发,与arcgis的二次开发属于同类型。但个人认为上手难度比arcgis大,但其由于其性能和开源,适合用于大型的遥感影像处理,且开源无版权问题。
2023-07-02 18:55:36 700MB QGIS
高通--安卓12-修改user 版本无法进入revocery模式.patch
2023-06-26 00:14:25 4KB android
自动洗手器实现方案 1、目前,自动洗手器使用最多的方案是利用红外发射接收实现自动控制; 2、也有采用红外感应实现自动控制出水控制,但该方案成本较高,易受干扰。 建议同学们采用红外控制方案。
2023-06-25 21:16:54 70KB 12
1stClass Studio XE5 – 9/17/13 – Version System Requirements Delphi XE4 Compatibility issues of 1stClass Studio/Win32: 1stClass Studio XE5 is designed to be backwards compatible with 1stClass XE4, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2007, 2006, and 1stClass 4000. The only change for versions of 1stClass prior to 2006 is for the TfcImageForm. If you are using this component in a dialog, you will need to call the ApplyBitmapRegion method for the imageform from your form’s OnShow event. fcImageForm1.ApplyBitmapRegion; Without the above code, the form will not take on the shape of the image form’s bitmap. C++ backwards compatibility : For C++ projects there are a few housecleaning items to take care of in your project to compile with the new version. They are listed as follows. 1. If you use the OnDrawText event of a StatusBar panel, then you will need to change the reference of AnsiString & Text to UnicodeString & Text. Change this for both the header (.h) file and the source file (.cpp). 2. Existing C++ Builder projects will need to modify the references to the infopower header files so that they are preceeded by vcl. For instance, if you have a reference to … #include “fcstatusbar.hpp” in your source header file, this will need to be changed to #include “vcl.fcstatusbar.hpp” 3. Similarly C++ Project source files will need to change the references to the #pragma reference to also be preceeded by a vcl. For instance if you have a reference to … #pragma link "fcstatusbar" in your source .cpp file, this will need to be changed to #pragma link "vcl.fcstatusbar" Installing the 1stClass help file The online help files are integrated automatically Demo Applications For an overview of the 1stClass functionality, we suggest you compile the main demonstration program for 1stClass. This demo is located at \fcStudioxe5\demos\windows\Demo1stClass.dproj Company Information Address: Woll2Woll Software 3150 Reed Ave. Livermore, CA 94550 Sales: U.S. - 800-WOL2WOL (1-800-965-2965) INTL - 1-925-371-1663 Voice: (925) 371-1663 Fax: (925) 215-2410 Internet: mailto:sales@woll2woll.net Web site: http://www.woll2woll.com/
2023-06-24 10:32:14 7.17MB xe5 1stClass