VLC播放器(vlc media player)是一个操作非常简单的媒体播放器,支持多种音频视频格式(MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, mp3, ogg...)和流媒体协议。最具特色的功能是可以边下载边观看Divx媒体文件,并可以播放播放不完全的AVI文件。此软件运行时占用资源不高,最大的特点就是:能播放未下载完整的视频(BT下载时,有时就会这样),喜欢看电影的朋友有福了。
2022-08-19 19:58:19 37.1MB VLC
2022-08-19 16:18:03 30.1MB mac 抓包 网络监控
unity poolmanger实际上是 prefabPoolManger。 支持自定义root节点,支持自定义上限。
2022-08-19 09:06:56 3.15MB unity
pip install cyber_record出错 1.下载cyber_record-0.1.4-py3-none-any.whl包。 2.cd到存放whl文件的目录 3.pip install cyber_record-0.1.4-py3-none-any.whl
2022-08-16 18:06:52 25KB cyber_record-0.1
苹果5S降级工具 老版 一款全新A7降级工具LeetDown 支持A7处理器完美降级iOS 10.3.3 支持的型号5s、iPad Air1、iPad mini2,可以从任何iOS版本降级到10.3.3
2022-08-16 10:00:34 14.18MB leetdown 苹果降级
DeepStream 6.0.1 for Jetson This release supports Jetson TX1, TX2, Nano, NX and AGX Xavier. Prerequisite: DeepStream SDK 6.0.1 requires the installation of JetPack 4.6.1. 这是tar包
2022-08-16 09:00:44 611.35MB deepstream
DeepStream 5.0.1 for Jetson This release supports Jetson TX1, TX2, Nano, NX and AGX Xavier. Prerequisite: DeepStream SDK 5.0.1 requires the installation of JetPack 4.4. 则是tar包
2022-08-16 09:00:41 507.64MB deepstream
2022-08-12 16:04:24 22.28MB docker
该加密工具可直接在资源管理器中运行进行加密解密。 也可以在c#程序中通过Process类打开sqlcipher-shell64.exe或sqlcipher-shell32.exe用StandardInput.WriteLine输入加解密命令进行加解密
2022-08-11 17:02:42 6.07MB sqlite 加密 解密 windows版
从墙外的蓝牙官网上下载的,1英文版本 分别有三个pdf: 1、《Mesh Profile》 2019-01-21 This Bluetooth specification defines fundamental requirements to enable an interoperable mesh networking solution for Bluetooth low energy wireless technology. 2、《Mesh Model》 2019-01-21 This Bluetooth specification defines models (along with their required states and messages) that are used to perform basic functionality on the nodes in a mesh network beyond the foundation models defined in the Bluetooth Mesh Profile specification [2]. This specification includes generic models defining functionality that is standard across device types, and models, such as lighting control, sensors, and time and scenes, to support key mesh scenarios. 3、《Mesh Device Properties v1.0》 2017-07-13 This specification contains the normative definitions for all adopted GATT characteristics and characteristic descriptors, with the exception of those defined in the Bluetooth Core Specification or in Bluetooth Service specifications.
2022-08-10 10:02:13 7.72MB 蓝牙 mesh 规范