I wa nt to help you make your game.
Everyone has a great game idea, but the path from initial idea to finished prod uct
is not a clear one. There are an intimi dating number of progr amming languages,
libraries, and prod uction methods. Even experienced game developers often fail
to realize their vision. Without a good solid architecture, game code may become
so compli cated that a de veloper drowns in the complex ity. The more complex
the code, the hard er the game becomes to change or continue dev eloping.
This book sho ws how to write simple , clean, reliable code by dev eloping two
basi c games. These games are built using the C# progr amming language and
Ope nGL. C# is a modern, high- level programmi ng language, so writing code is
faster, with fewer progr amming warts to avoid. OpenGL is as close as the game
indus try has to a stan dard wa y to display graph ics. Whe n the book is finis hed,
you’ll have an excellent code base to develop and grow , pursuing your own ideas.
2022-04-01 20:27:33