2021-11-09 22:01:32 3.34MB
2021-11-09 15:18:50 196.77MB 考研 华南理工833
Compiler Construction Experiment 1 Implementing a Scanner for TINY+ You are to write a lexical analyzer/scanner for the language TINY+. Goals 1The input of the scanner is a source code file and the output of the scanner is a stream of tokens. 2Your scanner should go for longest possible match i.e. a string ‘:=’ is to be identified as ‘ass-symbol’ rather than ‘:’ and ‘=’. 3Token is represented as (Kind, Value). We use the following symbols to denote different kinds of tokens KEY denotes reserved words SYM denotes special symbols ID denotes identifiers NUM denotes numeric constants STR denotes string constants 4Check lexical errors: giving meaning error messages and the lines where errors occur. The kinds of lexical errors are: Illegal character, that is, scanner may recognize a character that is not in the alphabet of TINY+, such as $ is an illegal character The right bracket of a STRING is lost, such as ' scanner The right delimiter of a comment is lost, such as: {this is an example Requirements 1Write your program in C or C++ 2This experiment must be finished in 4 periods. You will submit a report and the source code Example output for some TINY+ programs Test1 or and int bool char while do if then else end repeat until read write , ; := + - * / ( ) = a2c 123 'EFG' The scanner should give the outputs: (KEY, or) (KEY, and) (KEY, int) (KEY, bool) (KEY, char) (KEY, while) (KEY, do) (KEY, if) (KEY, then) (KEY, else) (KEY, end) (KEY, repeat) (KEY, until) (KEY, read) (KEY, write) (SYM, ,) (SYM, ;) (SYM, :=) (SYM, +) (SYM, -) (SYM, *) (SYM, /) (SYM, ( ) (SYM, )) (SYM, ) (SYM, =) (ID, a2c) (NUM, 123) (STR, EFG) Test2 {this is an example} int A,B; bool C1, C2, C3; char D; D:= 'scanner'; while A<=B do A:=A*2 end The scanner should give the outputs: (KEY, int) (ID, A) (SYM, ,) (ID, B) (SYM, ;) (KEY, bool) (ID, C1) (SYM, ,) (ID, C2) (SYM, ,) (ID, C3
华南理工大学的课程设计题目,相应的论文和代码,写得巨详细,保证拿优秀。因为在答辩的时候受到老师刺激,自己写的写得那么努力,结果老师拼命打断。而别人直接在网上 copy 的,呵呵,居然还优了,可以可以。因此我把他上传到网上,大家可以看看我写得怎么样,尽管拿去抄,没有积分的关注我,私聊我会在3天之内发给你。
2021-10-30 15:02:04 19KB 操作系统 实验 代码 读者写者
在 Java 语言环境下,通过RMI 实现一个学生成绩或教师信息查询的程序。 要求:要求独立完成。 实验要求: 1. 定义学生成绩查询或教师信息查询的远程接口 2. 实现服务器端软件(程序):设计远程接口的实现类和服务器对象类,在服务器上启动目录服务,并注册远程对象,供客户端访问。远程接口的实现类要从本地读取 数据信息(成绩或教师信息),数据信息可以存储在文件或数据库中。 3. 实现客户端软件(程序):实现访问远程对象的客户程序。
2021-10-29 10:31:07 2.56MB rmi 分布式 远程调用 java
2021-10-28 16:05:28 54.98MB 遗传算法 案例分析 华南师范大学
2021-10-27 17:01:46 107KB 材料力学
2021-10-27 15:27:33 1.22MB 华南理工 信号与系统 考研真题 含答案